32. Departure

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It was storming that particular morning. The perfect combination with Orion's mood when she woke up. She dragged herself around her bedroom as she put on formal clothing and pinned her hair back, a deep frown resting on her lips as she did so. Her eyes were blank as she stared back at them in the mirror, despite feeling an overwhelming amount of dread in her. 

That dread only intensified when she arrived at the court, the fast-paced atmosphere making her sick to her stomach. Nobody there cared about the people they were doing this to. That much could be told by the smiles on judges faces just minutes before a trial began and they banished a person from their home. A part of her understood because she didn't feel remorse for what she was about to do to Clover, but for people like the begging mother she saw weeks prior, those were the people she pitied. Yet nobody else did. Because the people brought to this court were presumed to be bad, to be unfitting, to be deserving of hell, and that would never change.

Orion slowly stepped further into the busy building, her brows pinched together as she walked in long strides to the desk situated in the corner, watching people in business-attire swerve around her with briefcases in hand. "Orion Lopez." She was a few feet away from the desk when the man situated behind it stood up, the bright smile on his face only further proving Orion's thoughts on the people working in the court. Taking a step back, she watched as the man rounded the desk, before sticking his hand out to her. "I'm Roger Winters, we're very familiar with your work here."

She blinked. "My work?"

"Highest rank in your sector's history, and the youngest ever, it's impressive." His smile faltered as he leaned forward to pluck a folder from his desk, Clover's picture stapled to the front. "It's a true shame you've been stuck with this trouble with Miss Campbell."

Orion pursed her lips, the familiar dread filling her once more at the mention of Clover's name. "Yeah, it is," she mumbled, her words laced with a tinge of bitterness. Looking away from Roger, her eyes swept the room in search of Mr.Baxter, but instead, they found another person. Or a few persons. Quickly, she looked back to Roger, prepared to dismiss herself from him, only to see him already occupied with another person. Taking this as her chance, she sidestepped away from him, making a beeline for the group of people across the room. 

When she was a few steps away, the group noticed her, all of their eyes widening at the sight of her. Mateo was the first to break the silence, a bashful smile spreading across his lips as he waved to Orion. "Howdy."

Orion narrowed her eyes at him, making him shrink back into Kelsey's side. "What are you guys doing here?" She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked over the three, her eyes lingering on Kelsey for a moment longer, before ultimately settling on Tom. 

"We figured you wanted moral support," Tom said softly, his eyes trailing over her obviously very stressed expression. Orion visibly relaxed with each passing second, and when her bottom lip began to tremble, Tom was quick to rush forward and wrap his arms around the girl. The twins watched with a frown as Orion's hands gripped onto Tom's shirt, her eyes squeezing shut as she kept her head pressed to his chest.

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