26. Little Kid Stuff

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          The one thing Orion always forgot about her favorite hill in the park was that it wasn't hers. She didn't own it, it wasn't only her park. It was public, and though it was late at night, people were still wandering the streets at this time. So, while she was thoroughly enjoying liplocking with Tom on a hill beneath the stars, she had no choice but to pull away, for the sake of people passing through the park.

           Tom almost let out a whine when her hands released his shirt, instead using it to gently push herself away from him, though still staying close to him. His hands that once gripped her hips loosened, now resting there as the two attempted to catch their breathe. His eyes fluttered open eventually, and he quickly reeled back, shocked at who was staring back at him.

            Orion's own eyes widened as she stared at the hands pressed against Tom's chest, a white hue surrounding them. Then her eyes trailed down, the white hue surrounding her. Her cheeks flushed as she met Tom's eyes once more, slowly lowering her hands back to her lap as she was consumed by embarrassment.

            "Are you... glowing?" He asked slowly, pulling his hands away from her hips to examine his own hands for the white light. But it only surrounded her.

"Y–Yeah," Orion admitted bashfully, desperately wishing for the white glow surrounding her to go away. "It happens sometimes."

"I've never seen it before," Tom pointed out.

Her blush intensified. "Well, we never...."

Slowly, a smile began to spread across his lips, picking up on what Orion was trying to say but couldn't. "So you're saying my kiss made you glow?"

"I'm not glowing," Orion huffed.

"You just said you were."

"Well I lied," she shot back, amusement flooding his features. "It's just my aura showing itself."

"Speaking of lying," Tom started, Orion raising an eyebrow at him. "Remember when you said you'd push me away if I kissed you? I'm pretty sure you did the exact opposite of push me away."

She hated that he was right.

"Because I'm nice."

Tom instantly rolled his eyes. "You didn't push me away because you're nice, so instead you pulled me closer and turned into some sort of night light."

She pursed her lips. "Exactly."

"What's it gonna take to get you to admit you like me?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she mumbled, though the butterflies in her stomach proved otherwise. "What made you think I like you?"

"Orion." She looked up as his tone grew serious, half-expecting him to attempt to have a deep heart to heart with her like they did the first time they sat on that hill. But her words got caught in her throat when his lips met hers again, hands dropping to settle on her hips once more.

Orion quickly melted against the boy, not even bothering to pretend she was going to push him away. Instead, she looped her arms around his neck, shifting closer as her lips parted for him. She could feel him smile against her lips, but she couldn't bring herself to care, too busy indulging in the taste of his lips.

           This time, it was Tom who made an attempt to break apart from the girl. Yet as soon as they separated, their lips were connected once more, this time by Orion's will. Her hands moved to the back of his neck, holding his head in place as a rush of confidence took over her. She was unsure of what came over her, but for some odd reason, she couldn't bring herself to break their kiss.

            His lips were intoxicating, and she didn't want to be sober.

            "You like me," Tom whispered against her lips, making Orion pull back with a whine. His grin widened at the sound, and without thinking, he shifted the girl until she was perched on his lap. "Not sure if I like you though, you might have to kiss me again so I can know for sure."

           And so she did. Again. And again. And again.

           And he sure as hell didn't mind. Maybe people passing by would, but he didn't. Not when Orion was comfortably situated on his lap, her small hands intertwined with his curls while her lips moved furiously against his own. God, if Mateo was there, he'd surely have a heart attack.

           They were eventually forced to separate, the two breathing heavily. Orion was the first to speak, her heart thrashing in her chest. "So?"

            "So?" Tom repeated, running a hand through his already tousled hair.

           Tom's gaze dropped to her swollen lips as they fell into a pout. "You're gonna make me say it like a little kid, aren't you?" All he had to do was give her a look and she knew. With a heavy sigh, she asked, "I like you, like a lot, do you like me?"

            "Dunno, might need another kiss for confirmation," Tom teased, his hands resting on her thighs.

             "Tom," she huffed out, fingers fiddling with the collar of his shirt. "I need you to be serious, just for a second, okay? I've never felt like this before, it's new for me."

Tom's features softened as he looked in the girl's eyes, seeing the doubt swimming in them. That's something he'd gotten wrong. Orion was experienced, in everything but the romantic aspect. The girl's entire life had been build around work and striving to be perfection, the last thing on her mind was a budding romance. Everything she was feeling was foreign to her, yet she was willing to explore them for Tom. And that was something special.

He raised his hand to her face, tucking some hair behind her ear before leaving his hand there, Orion leaning into his touch. "Orion, you make me feel alive again," he breathed out.

She let out a soft breathe, eyes bright with wonder. "I don't know what being alive feels like, but if it's like that, then being alive must be amazing." She broke their eye contact as a giggle slipped past her lips, something Tom's never heard from the girl. "Wow, this is actually... happening."

            He grinned, hands dropping to her hips, giving them a playful squeeze. "It is." Orion's lips quirked up when she locked eyes with Tom once more, what she could only describe as admiration twinkling in them. "Now, this whole aura thing."

             "I hide my aura, but if I lose control of my senses, it can reveal itself."

             "So, what you're saying is I kissed you so good that you lose control of yourself?"

              "Mention it again and I'm never kissing you again."

              "Oh, so you already made plans to kiss me–scratch that, make out with me, again?"


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