06. Distracted

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      As per usual, the sun was shining bright and Orion was wearing a smile. It was Sunday morning, meaning she was spending her time at a different sector, specifically the one designated for the older residents. Mr.Baxter had always insisted Orion was an old soul, despite spending her entire life being young, which would explain why she got along so well with the elderly women who enjoyed playing bingo more than anything else.

      She enjoyed a few rounds of bingo herself, a smile lighting up her face whenever a number was called that she had. But she could never imagine herself wanting to play it for the rest of her life like these women planned to do. The one flaw about the life after death is that, unless you were brought in as a minor, you were forever stuck as the age you died. Wether it be twenty or eighty, there wasn't a chance that you were aging throughout your time there. So while Orion was referred to as an old soul, she would never truly have an old soul.

      "Bingo!" Orion excitedly jumped up from her seat, a grin spreading as claps broke out throughout the room, the women at her table smiling fondly at the girl. When she was young, Baxter took the liberty of introducing her to a special group of women in this sector, the same women he volunteered for when trying to earn his high ranking. These women watched her grow into the woman she is today throughout the many years she came and sat with them for a few hours, and though they weren't related, Orion felt like they were the grandmothers she never had.

      Settling down into her seat after receiving her complementary pudding cup, a woman by the name of Peggy placed a hand on her arm. Orion smirked, already knowing why the sudden contact was given. "Here Peggy, you know I prefer vanilla," She chuckled, handing over the plastic container to the woman, who smiled at the girl.

      "Orion, dear, you spoil us," Another woman, Quinn, gushed, a smile adorning her features. "How is that someone hasn't snatched you up yet? You're such a–well, an angel." Laughter rang out throughout the table, Orion's cheeks heating up at the compliment. "Nobody you're interested in?"

      Orion sheepishly shook her head, standing to clear the table for the women. "Nobody has caught my eye sadly," She shrugged, the women letting out sounds of disapproval at her confession. "I don't have time for dating anyways, I've been tending to my newest client."

      "My daughter told me she saw you out with him," Elita spoke up from beside Peggy, all women turning to Orion in interest. "She was going to say hello, but she said it looked as though you were arguing."

      Suddenly a frown settled on Orion's lips, and she looked away from the woman, almost ashamed. Arguing with Tom in private was one thing, but arguing in a public place where people could easily recognize her made her feel uneasy. It wasn't exactly ideal for the "perfect angel" to be seen in a heated argument with someone she's meant to be mentoring, now was it? Making a mental note to bring it up to Tom, she responded to Elita, "Yes, well... we tend to disagree on quite a few things. But he's not all that bad."

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