15. Backstabber

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      Orion was loyal, and never did she think that was a bad thing. Mateo would often compare her to a puppy, saying while she can bite if she wanted, in the end, all she wanted was to be loved and protect people. Of course, she snapped at him for comparing her to a dog of all animals, but accepted the compliment nonetheless.

      Pushing her glasses further up her nose, she picked up her phone, rolling her eyes at the notification that lit up the screen. Tom had been sending her request after request for her presence, despite her messaging him that she was swamped with work. It got to the point where she called him to tell him to cut it out, but this only made him request her even more than before, just for the joy of knowing he was annoying her at work.


      Orion's head snapped up, and she shook her head in response to Baxter's question, seeing he was gesturing to her lit up phone. "Tom just likes annoying me," She explained, glaring at her phone as the screen lit up again. She hit decline again, putting the phone face down on the other side of her desk before facing him again.

      Baxter's lips were curled up into a pleasant smile, one Orion wasn't all that familiar with, despite knowing the man her entire life-after life? "You guys are friends now," He observed, and Orion couldn't help but let her eyes trail over to the flowers on her desk. Flowers Tom bought her as an apology, making all her coworkers simultaneously curious and jealous. "That's what I like to see. My girl being friends with our biggest client yet."

      Orion's brows knitted together. "Biggest client?"

      Baxter gestured with his hand for her to follow him, Orion trailing behind as he led her to his office. "I was coming to bring you in here anyways," He told her, and Orion nodded, still waiting for his explanation. "I'm sure you know Tom was a celebrity when he was alive, this sector doesn't really have celebrities. I think we had one before him, but Tom was pretty famous when he's alive. So he's talked about a lot throughout the sectors, which is why I just had to make sure my Orion had him."

      Realization flooded her features, and she was frowning. "You made sure I had him?" Angels were to be randomly assigned to their people, unless it is requested otherwise. While leaders of sectors were usually given the choice of wether to assign people to someone or not, Baxter was not that type of person. He was a firm believer in randomizing pairs, so to hear he specifically selected Orion for Tom was a shock.

      Baxter nodded, "Of course I did. You think I'd let anyone else have that big of a guy? The boys hate it when I bring it up at the meetings."

      Orion frowned, "So you gave him to me so you can have... bragging rights?"

      "Details, details," He waved it off, despite Orion clearly not being ready to move past that she was being used. "I brought you in here to discuss something that's been brought to my attention."

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