11. Party of Hell

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      She didn't mind parties, in fact, she was all for partying until the sun rose again the next morning. However, Do Gooders parties were never just dancing to obnoxiously loud music with your friends surrounding you, all of you wearing matching grins.

      First off, their parties were held in uncharted areas. Areas where bad activity can't be monitored, or if it can be, it was monitored by someone who worked as a double agent for both the group and the council. Being unable to be caught left too many opportunities for bad things to happen, and Orion was not a fan of said bad things. The farthest she can tolerate was alcohol and sex, yet the Do Gooders always managed to go farther.

      She had her arm linked with Mateo as she waited in line, the loud music already reaching her ears. This party happened to be unusually close, leading her to assume there was most likely an angel patrolling the area on their behalf. She was in her proper party attire, one of the tighter dresses she owned, along with one of the two pairs of heels she owned.

      "You sure this is a good idea?" Mateo questioned as another person was let in, the line moving annoyingly slow. She shot him a look, to which he sighed, bringing the girl closer to his side. "I just don't get why you care so much? Let Kels do her seductive luring thing, and Tom can learn the hard way."

      She didn't want him to learn the hard way, especially when she could prevent it. If she could have prevented others from learning the hard way that Kelsey had no actual interest in them, then maybe they wouldn't have broken contact with her as soon as she wasn't their angel. For once, she wanted to remain friends with one of them, not have them avoid her in fear of being heartbroken by her friend.

      Rather than telling Mateo this, she provided a different explanation. "Baxter not only evaluates me, but also Tom," She explained, taking a step forward as yet another person was let in, now only two people standing ahead of them. "If Tom does poorly, then there goes my perfect score. I can't risk that."

      "You risked it with the others," Mateo pointed out.

      Orion shot him a pointed look, "Yeah, well I wasn't walking on eggshells with the others. In case you forgot, Tom and I sort of dislike each other."

      Mateo grinned, "So it's not hate anymore? Just sorta dislike?"

      Orion was about to sarcastically respond, when next was called, making them both look up. They failed to notice the two people in front of them had been let in, making them the next to to be evaluated. Orion let out a sigh of relief as she recognized the bouncer, a smile instantly settling on her lips.

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