28. Dirty Little Secret

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         For once in her life, Kelsey kept a secret. A pretty big one at that. It wasn't because Tom and Orion begged that she did, or because Tom literally attempted to bribe her into keeping her mouth shut, but she did it out of the kindness of her own heart. Who would have thought it? Orion certainly didn't. Which is exactly why she's been on the edge for a while now, waiting for someone to mention what Kelsey had seen so she could poof herself into the girl's house and yell at her for exposing what was meant to be her private life.

          One could say Orion was very keen on keeping her private life, private. So keen that while she and Tom did agree to go on dates, none of them took place during the day, the two only setting out to places they knew would stay open until the late hours of the night. Not only that, but if they were to see anybody they knew while out, Orion would zap herself out of the situation, leaving Tom to quickly drop his hand back to his side and pout for a short minute.

          He didn't mind all that much, which Orion was thankful for. In fact, he thought it was exciting in a way. Orion could still remember Tom's words of reassurance when she brought it up to him.

          "Are you sure?" Orion sighed, lips tugged into a deep frown. "I can understand if you don't want to put up with this, or me, anymore. It must be-" She was silenced as a chaste kiss was placed on her lips, a blush instantly dusting over her cheeks.

          Tom grinned at the girl, smile widening as her cheeks grew more and more red. "Orion, it's fine, how many times do I have to tell you that?" She shot him a skeptical look. "It's like... Romeo and Juliet, except they're already dead to begin with. I can see the appeal to it now, it's kinda fun sneaking around like we share a forbidden romance."

          "Did you just compare us to actual Romeo and Juliet? As in, the most famous couple in all of literature, Romeo and Juliet?" Tom shrugged, and Orion couldn't help but let a low snort. "Wow, you really think highly of yourself, Romeo."

           "Hey, I'm not saying I'll drink poison for you," Orion let out a laugh, "but I think I'm pretty damn romantic."

           The encounter was enough to reassure Orion for the time being, and from then on, herself and Tom went on date after date. Dates at one of the few restaurants that stayed open late. Dates at a dessert spot where they had board games. Dates at the park where we first kissed. Almost every night the two had reserved for the other, and neither seemed to mind. They hadn't decided on a title yet, which was okay because they knew they liked each other, and that's all that mattered at that moment.

           But Orion was beginning to think otherwise. It's been a few weeks now of the two sneaking around together all night, and something happened the last night that got her really thinking. 

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