25. Stargazing

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"You're cheesy as heck."

A few years ago, Orion could barely accept a hug from her friends without growing stiff with discomfort, hands awkwardly dangling at her side helplessly. It took her awhile to understand sentiment, and it was only after Mateo and Kelsey forced it upon her until she was comfortable with it.

But right now, she wasn't trained for it.

When Tom dragged her into the night in her colored pajamas and slippers, she didn't expect them to go anywhere important. In fact, she half expected him to drag her to the closest grocery store to buy more popcorn for a random movie night, which he was known for. But instead, he led her to a park. Not a random park either, the park where they came to the decision to be friends.

Tom glanced back at Orion, raising an eyebrow. "Coming from the girl who puts cheese on everything, I'm taking that as a compliment."

She flushed. "It wasn't meant to be–"

"I know," he snickered. "But you're so easily flustered, I just had to."

She hated that he was right. She quickly diverted her gaze, unable to meet his eyes as her cheeks grew hotter and hotter. Instead, she focused on the stars shining above them, admiring the numerous constellations. She was left unaware of Tom's gaze settled on her, his lips tilting into a slight smile as he watched her lift her hand, finger tracing out shapes in the air.

"So," he began, Orion humming to show she was listening, her eyes not leaving the sky, "I heard Clover has a thing with Kels already." Orion turned to him in confusion. "Mateo." She nodded in understanding, of course Mateo knew. "I also heard Clover was going to ask me out, so what happened there?"

He watched her in interest when she visibly stiffened, shifting in obvious discomfort. She didn't understand why she was feeling the way she was. It was the same feeling she got when she saw Kels with Clover. A sense of... relief? Relieved to know Clover was no longer going to pursue Tom, that he wasn't going to be dating her. But why? Clover wasn't a bad person, at least not that she knew of, and Tom was a grown man. He could decide who he wants and doesn't want to date on his own, he didn't need Orion to make that decision for him. So why did she? Why did she instantly deem Clover unworthy of dating Tom? It's not like she saw him as some might figure only deserving the best, or maybe she did, but in the protective friend sort of way. Maybe.

Orion cleared her throat, straightening up as she was brought back to reality. "Who told you that?"

"Well... everybody." It was the truth. Tom was once the new person in the sector, meaning people were eager to greet him and befriend him. But now that person was Clover, and all the attention was shifted over to her. It wasn't long before word reached Tom that Clover had planned to make a move on him, not that he didn't know, seeing as whenever he saw her, her eyes never left him. It was someone in the gym who told him of her plans, insisting he was lucky as she was "cute and innocent," a fact Tom didn't necessarily find enticing. After all, it was the opposite of what he liked.

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