17. Pretty Girl

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Orion and Kelsey were nowhere near what they used to be, but they were speaking, and that was enough for Kelsey. Orion went to her house with Tom soon after their competition, listening to Kelsey's long apology before agreeing to go back to being on speaking terms. She didn't forgive her, there was no way for her to forgive so easily, but Kelsey was perfectly okay with that. Mateo just about cried out of happiness, dramatically throwing himself to the ground in front of Orion, making her cut their visit short.

It was the following day now, and Orion was twirling her hair around her finger as she skimmed through a new profile given to her. "I see you got your new assignment." She tore her eyes away from the paper, meeting the eyes of Mr.Baxter. He stood beside her desk, eyebrows raised as he nodded towards the yellow folder.

Orion's eyes snapped back down to the folder, taking an extra long look at the photo of the girl stapled to the top corner. "But, Tom?" She questioned with furrowed brows, glancing from the girl to Baxter multiple times.

"Tomorrow is your evaluation," He reminded her, Orion's face falling. Baxter's features hardened, and he straightened up. "Should I prepare myself for disappointment, or not? Because that face doesn't seem pleasant to me, Orion."

Orion shook her head, swallowing harshly. "N-No, not at all. Tom and I are friends, no need to worry at all." His features softened as she reassured him, and he simply nodded before leaving her desk and disappearing into his office. Orion relaxed when he was out of sight, teeth latching onto her bottom lip in nervousness. They were friends now, but what if he took those first few weeks into account when giving her the rating? She had a perfect record, and if it was ruined now, she didn't know what she'd do.

Releasing a shaky sigh, she decided to focus on the file in front of her now. She'd been skimming it, but now that she knew this girl was assigned to her, it was probably best she actually took the time to read it thoroughly. Clover Campbell. Orion leant against her hand as she got further and further into the file, learning about Clover little by little. Her eyebrows furrowed as she scanned the page for a date of death, just to find the section empty.

Picking up the file, she made her way to Baxter's office. She knocked, waiting for a moment before hearing the words "come in." Stepping into the office, Baxter rose an eyebrow, mumbling something into the phone before hanging up. "Sorry," She mumbled, shuffling closer until she was directly in front of his desk. "But my new assignment, Clover, she doesn't have a date of death?"

Baxter nodded, "She isn't dead yet."

Orion's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Then... why was she assigned already?"

"She isn't dead yet, but she's barely alive," He corrected, not aiding with her confusion in the slightest. "Clover was hit by a drunk driver," Orion's face fell, "she isn't expected to last more than a few days, so my apologies, but I jumped the gun by assigning her to you."

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