07. Hold Me Tight

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      If there was one thing the girl hated, it was slacking off. All throughout her childhood, she was brought up to be the best version of herself that she could possibly be. She was grateful for it now, but as a child, it was the biggest burden one could hold. She'd spend hours upon hours perfecting her homework, cutting her sleeping hours down to five at most. While other kids went out and played, she studied the many books Baxter gave her and learned things intended for college level, seeing as she wouldn't be able to attend. She wasn't allowed to let out a complaint, unless she wanted to spend the night at another house, where things weren't going to go the way she liked them to.

      She could vivedly remember when she was ten and told Baxter she needed a break, just for one night, she wanted to be able to use the dolls she'd gotten for Christmas from a school friend. The blonde doll had been abandoned in the corner, collecting dust as it went untouched since the moment it was placed there a few months before. She had begged, pleaded even, for a day to step away from her constant studying, or even just a few hours. She could remember the way his eyes filled with rage, and now quick he had been to pack up her belongings and send her off to the Turners for the night. She didn't have anything against the Turners, at least not until that night. They were a loud couple from Michigan, she knew because she sorted their file not too long back, and a single night with them was torture. They were kind, but knowing having a baby wasn't possible in this life, they took advantage of Orion staying there. She was passed from one to another, the two smothering her in unwanted affection, not allowing her to relax like she had originally wanted.

      She returned the next day with a trembling lip and shaky hands, begging her only father figure for forgiveness on her knees. He wore a smirk throughout her apology, before eventually dropping to his knees beside the girl, daring to bring her into an embrace. "I do it because I love you Orion, you don't want to end up like those people, do you?" Was his words of comfort, and though they didn't seem comforting at all, it managed to get the girl to stop crying and go back to her normal scheduled studying.

      That punishment was enough to traumatize her into wanting to be her best, just to guarantee Baxter was always kept happy with her performance. With her constant need for perfection, she developed anxiety. She spent all too many lunch periods during high school in the bathroom, beads of sweat collecting on her forehead as she tried to control her breathing before it became unbearable. As she grew older, anxiety attacks became less and less frequent, seeing as Baxter wasn't constantly watching over her shoulder like he once did. But they would never disappear completely, the urge for perfection was always going to a burden to the girl.

      So while she was tempted to avoid Tom after the incident, she couldn't help but feel she'd be slacking off if she did so. In front of her was a file waiting to be approved or disapproved, and just to the right was her lit up phone. Tom Holland asks for your presence. Accept? Deny? She pursed her lips as she stared at the notification, lifting her finger to respond, before quickly setting her hand back down.

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