19. Middle School Dance

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With her hand beneath her chin, Orion listened to Peggy's detailed story of how she was reunited with her grandson. It was the time of the week when she visited her favorite group of old women, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to it. She'd been so busy with Tom that she felt as if she'd been neglecting the women, though none of them seemed to mind her excuse for her absence, even going as far as teasing the girl for thinking it was a problem to spend more time with a male than with them.

Orion cooed as Peggy showed her a photo of the aged boy, a cheesy grin on his face as he hugged his grandmother. "He's adorable," She complimented, handing the phone back to the woman. "I'm so happy to see you two together again, that's your whole family here now?"

Peggy nodded excitedly, "We're just missing the cat, though I don't think he'd get in, he was a real pain." Chuckles broke out throughout the table, even Wendy letting out a quiet laugh. As soon as they settled, all eyes were on Orion.

Orion rose an eyebrow, tapping her plastic spoon against the pudding cup settled in front of her. "Is it my turn to share a story?" They all nodded, leaning forward eagerly, making Orion grin. "Well, my time with Tom is up."

"Now you have no excuses to not date him," Elita teased, mumbles of agreement sounding from around the table.

Orion shook her head, though a smile still spread across her lips, not from the statement itself, but from the confidence of the women. "I've got my new client lined up, so dating still isn't an option." They all let out groans of disappointment, making Orion playfully roll her eyes. "Anyways, he gave me the last perfect score I needed to break the record, so I'm being awarded tonight. Oh!" She turned in her chair, digging into her bag. "Before I forget, you are all invited to the party."

She handed the papers out to the women, each of them examining the invitation with a grin. "A party for our little Orion," Elita sighed dramatically. "She isn't the same little girl we knew."

"So, who's your date?" Peggy asked with a grin, mutters of agreement sounding around the table as they all wondered the same thing. "Are you taking that cute ex-client of yours?"

Orion shot her a pointed look, "No, Peggy, I am not. I don't have a date, and I don't plan on having one either." Grunts of disapproval rang around the table, making Orion sigh. "It's a party in my honor, the last thing I need is someone's arm to hang off of. I think I'm quite a big deal without it."

Orion turned as she felt a nudge, lips tilting up as Wendy held out a hand for her, the girl slapping it with her own. "I'll see you tonight," Wendy reassured her, Orion's smile widening slightly.

It wasn't long until Orion was placing a kiss on each of the womans' heads and snapping herself back to her home. She wasn't entirely surprised to find the Garcia twins waiting for her, looking as impatient as ever. They both jumped when she appeared, whisking her off to her bedroom to get her ready for the special day.

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