Chapter Two

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David's P.O.V

Today is my third day in Los Angeles and I just moved here from Vernon Hills. Things in Illinois were, bad. Very bad. Things I don't trust anyone to know.

I walked down the steps of my house and into my kitchen. I looked around at all the food, that didn't exist, then turned straight back around and left after grabbing my backpack off the counter.

Sometimes, I wish food could just appear. Like a waffle. God I love waffles.

My stomach growled at the thought of waffles as soon as I locked the front door back. I made my way to my car and got in. I pulled out of my driveway then headed off to my new school.

Who invented school? Who was like 'hey, let's send kids to a building and teach them useless shit for a while then let's give them stupid ass work to do at home as if they don't have a life outside of that building'?

I pulled into the parking lot and quickly parked my car, not giving a fuck about some dude honking at me for 'taking his spot'. I swiftly exited my car and locked it.

I walked pass all the girls gawking at me with their boyfriends narrowing their eyes at me.  Honestly, they are all sluts so the guys don't have to worry about me stealing their chicks.

The office door opened and some person walked out. I grabbed the handle before it closed and walked in. I went to the front desk and a friendly old lady looked up at me. She smiled at me graciously in which I returned.

"I'm Mrs. Willis, how can I help you?" Mrs. Willis asked me.

"I'm David and I was wondering if I can get my schedule." I said as nicely as I could since she was very friendly.

I am only nice if people are nice to me or else I can be a total dick.

"Oh you must be the new kid!" she exclaimed very excitedly which caused me to chuckle. "Here you go Mr. Dobrik. I hope you enjoy it here at Greenville."

I grabbed my schedule and smiled after I thanked her. I left the office after looking over my schedule. After figuring out my locker number, I walked down the hallway looking for it.

"Hey new kid! David, right?"

I was almost to my first class until I was stopped by people standing in the middle of the hallway. Seriously, I really want to go to class.

In the front of the group was some girl with blonde and silver like hair. As I stopped, I was questioning how the hell she knew my name already. I scanned her over quick enough so no one noticed and saw her arching her back. You know, I hope one day all the girls who arch their backs in high school, have really bad ones when they are older.

The girl started to play with her obviously died hair and I started to look around, avoiding her gaze.

"Umm, yeah?" I asked which was meant to be more of a statement.

As I was looking around, my eyes met with another pair of brown eyes. I looked at who the eyes belonged to and saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. It felt like I was looking at her forever, but I knew it was only a few seconds. I snapped back into reality and turned my head when I heard the girl's voice again.

"Well, my name is Caroline Winter," Caroline, as she says, stuck her hand out as if I was going to kiss it, but instead just shook her hand instead. "This is Alexis and, umm, what's your name?"

Caroline turned to the girl with brunette hair. She said her name in an annoyed tone. She was Australian and it was really cool to hear her talk.

I partially tuned out everything else she said, but I still responded. Caroline kept talking about unimportant shit that I tuned out until she asked if I wanted to sit with her at lunch.

"Sure, why not," I replied. "Now if you excuse me, I have to get to class."

Everyone all of a sudden froze in their spots, looking shocked after what I said. Is it a crime or something to show up to class?

"Pretty boy wants to go to class and make my sister and her friends move?" a blonde guy that looked similar to Caroline asked as he walked closer to me.

He looked like he would try to beat the shit out of me. As in try. Before he could, Caroline put her arm out to stop him.

"Come on Cody, he's cute and he's my new boyfriend." Caroline told who I'm guessing was Cody.




I have been in and out of this conversation the whole time and not once was dating involved. I don't even know her middle name so we shouldn't even date.

"Since when was I your boyfriend?" I asked.

"Since I decided ever since you walked into this school. Duh." Caroline said as if it was obvious.

"What if I don't want to date you?" I replied.

"I don't have time for this. Liza!" Caroline responded before yelling for some girl.

I turned my head as all eyes snapped to the girl who I was looking at earlier. She stopped next to us and looked anywhere but at us.

"Look at me you brat!" Caroline screamed, making Liza jump in her spot.

 Caroline said something about homework and Liza replied saying she didn't do it for her. Caroline, dude, homework isn't that difficult. That's why they invented Google.

"Everyone leave now!" Caroline screamed.

People started to rush away except for Liza, Caroline and her group, and me. I couldn't leave. I didn't want to. I have walked away from so many things before that ended badly. I don't want it to happen again.

Cody stepped towards Liza as Caroline stepped backwards with a smirk. As if Liza knew what was about to happen, she closed her eyes. Not even a minute later, Cody punched her square in the jaw.

H-How could he do that to her?

Liza collapsed onto the ground as tears were building in her eyes. I ran over to her and examined the bruise that was slowly forming.

I angrily turned to the group and looked at everyone. Only Jasmine, the Australian girl, held sadness in her eyes.

"How the hell could you hit a girl? You all are fucking dicks!" I screamed.  

Caroline stormed away with her friends screaming how she would make our lives' a living hell.

I saw blood filling Liza's mouth and picked her up bridal style. I started to carry the beautiful girl to the nurse's office as her eyes became droopy.

Before her eyes close, I said one thing.

"I'll take care of you, I promise."

And that's a promise I'll never break.



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