Chapter Three

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Liza's P.O.V

I woke up with my head pounding. Memories of what had happened circled around my head. The words David said constantly playing.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. As my eyes were scanning the room I was in, I realized I wasn't at school nor my house. I was somewhere else. Somewhere I have never been before.

I sat as I lifted my hand to my jaw where Cody had hit me. I flinched slightly from the contact, but other than that, it didn't hurt.

My eyes scanned the room and saw I was in someone's bedroom. The walls were painted black. The furniture was all black, including the bedspread. Movement coming from the bed underneath me caused me to jolt. I looked over and saw David on his stomach asleep.

My eyes widened as I jumped out of the bed.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit," I mumbled as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I sound like Dustin. Shit."

David started to move then pushed himself up. I realized just now as he was holding himself up with his arms in a pushup like position that he was shirtless. His hair was messy from him just waking up and it completed the whole 'I just woke up' look. David sat up and stared at the ground. I guess he didn't notice me yet so I just stood there quietly observing him.

I looked at his back and saw several scars. Starting at the top and ending at his lower back. Making me realize he is only in his underwear. Well things just can't get any worse than this can they.

David stood up and turned towards me. He looked at me for a minute then his eyes widened. I looked away as he started to put on a pair of light grey jogger sweatpants. Once he turned back around, his V-line was visible for the whole world to see. That just makes everything worse.

"So, umm." David started before he cleared his throat.

"Why am I here?" I cautiously asked.

"Well, you have been knocked out all day. That Cody kid must have hit a pressure point or when you fell you hit one which caused you to go unconscious. I took you to the nurse's office and sat in there with you the whole day. School ended and they couldn't get a hold of anyone to come and get you so I brought you here. My house." David stated as he kept his eyes locked with mine.

My heart began to race at the fact school was over and I'm not home getting ready.

"David, what time is it?" I asked.

My heart was beating like a drum in my ears as I watched him check his alarm clock on his night stand.

"6:43pm. You've been asleep for like nearly ten hours. Did you not sleep last night or something?" David said as he looked concerned at the end.

Both. I wanted to say, but I decided against it as I thought about what he said making me freak out.

No. No. I can't be late.

"David, I need to go. Thanks for everything." I said quickly as I saw my backpack on the ground.

I picked my bag up off the ground then walked to the door. I managed to grab the handle before a hand landed on my wrist which was a trigger point. My reflexes kicked in and the arm that wasn't being held swung directly towards the direction of the person. Which happened to be David.

I noticed my hand was in a fist once I heard a loud smack. My eyes widened in shock.

I just punched him.

Not some weak taco punch, a full out 'that will leave a bruise' punch.

My hand flew to my open mouth as David lifted his hand to his cheek. He flinched in pain as he held is face.

"I am so sorry," I said as my hand left my mouth.

"It's cool. I should have known better than to grab your wrist. I'm the one who should be sorry." David calmly said.

How is he okay with this? If some bitch hit me like that, I would be pulling out her extensions by now. Unless we were in school. Then I would 'cry'.

David removed his hand from his cheek and glanced into the mirror next to his door.

"Shit. You punch good," he said as he examined the bruise slowly forming on his cheek before turning back to me. "I was going to tell you that I can give you a ride home since you probably don't know where you are."

He's right, but I don't want to admit it.

"Yeah, sure. I need to get home quickly though." I said then opened his door.

I walked down the hallway towards the stairs and walked straight down them then out of his front door. I didn't looked back once to see if he was following me or not but I assumed he was.

A minute after me waiting by his car, David walked out pulling a sweatshirt over his bare chest. He unlocked the car and we both go in. I gave him my address as he turned on his car. He typed it into the GPS on his phone then backed out of the driveway.

Apparently, he lived only ten minutes away by car. Fifteen by bike and twenty by running. Maybe if I ever need to escape and we become closer, I can run to him.




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