Chapter 3

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I walked through the halls then out of the school. All those girls have been up my ass all morning, following me around everywhere I go. And the worst part is when they try to be flirty, but they fail miserably. I shook my head slightly. One girl is different though.

Ella Dawson.

Don't ask how I know her name, because I know a lot more about her that no one else knows.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I walked to my black Range Rover, leaning against it as I reached for a cigarette from my pocket. I really need a smoke. Those people really stress me out. Those humans stress me out. Just the fact that I can't shut their thoughts out of my head is fucking annoying. Sure, I can try to ignore them the best I can, but while at school, it's pretty much impossible with the amount of people being there.

But one person's thoughts stood out this morning. They were brighter and louder, but yet, at the same time, they would sometimes just fade away. Ella Dawson.

I dragged the cigarette up to my lips and inhaled the smoke. It immediately relaxes my tense muscles and makes me feels somewhat better. Don't get me wrong, not all humans are bad. I should know since I used to be human. But now, I'm not human anymore. I'm something else. What I am, you'll find out soon.

I inhaled the smoke again, sighing in satisfaction. Right now, I wanted to go home, but I still have a long school day ahead of myself. Why I was sent here is still a mystery for me but I guess I'll find out soon.

I was standing there, looking up at the sky and closed me eyes when I heard footsteps approach me. I could hear the person's thoughts loud and clear, and I instantly knew it was a girl.

'Damn, he's so hot'

I mentally chuckled at her thoughts as I kept my eyes closed, pretending I didn't even notice her presence.

It was just when she cleared her throat when I looked at her. The sight of her made me want to scrunch my nose in disgust. What's with humans dressing in a way that half of their fucking body shows? I'm not complaining, but to wear a shirt like that and tight short shorts to school is just...disgusting.

I kept my cool though and just looked at her, while taking another drag from my cigarette.

"Uh...Christian, right?" She asked in a high pitched voice. Her blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and her face was caked in makeup.

Typical slutty girl.

You see those all too often at high school. And their thoughts are all the same. You don't even want to know. Trust me.

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked, my voice emotionless.

She shrugged and took a few steps closer to me, sending me a seductive wink.

I looked at her blankly, as I held the cigarette to my lips again, trying to shut her thoughts out. But, of course, it didn't work.

"Your number would be nice." The girl spoke in a seductive tone, looking at me through her lashes.

Fucking hell, why are they all like this?

I'd rip them to shreds right here and in this moment, but I can't. I can't drag attention towards myself. I have to seem like a normal human. Although, I do know Ella has her suspicions, which is mostly my fault, but oh well. Ella is different anyways. She's nothing like most humans.

"How about no?" I spat to the girl who was still standing there. My voice came out harsh and a low hiss.

Fuck, that can't happen.

The girl flinched at my tone and just nodded. From her thoughts, I could hear she was scared. She should be, considering that I'm pretty dangerous.

I dumped the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it with my foot. Then I just walked past the girl like she wasn't even there and headed back in the school.

I walked through the halls as I spotted Ella, who was standing there with a few girls around her. She was smiling happily, but from her thoughts, I knew she wasn't entirely happy. Something was clearly bugging her, like something bad had happened to her. The weird thing was, that was part of her thoughts that I clearly couldn't hear. It was like I just was unable to hear her thoughts completely.

I shrugged my thoughts off and walked to my locker, which fortunately for me, was close to Ella and her friends. I glance at her occasionally. I can't help but notice her beauty.

She sure is different from most humans.

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head around, and there she stood. Ella.

She looked at me, her eyebrows scrunched together and I knew she was nervous. Ella took a deep breath before speaking.

"Christian, I'm...uh...sorry if I said something stupid in Calculus. You seemed pretty upset." Her tone was quiet, she sounded so nervous. But she's so beautiful, and I found it cute how nervous she was.

"Nah, it's alright," I said, shooting her a small smile instead of a smirk I always have on my face. Ella looked somewhat surprised and I knew instantly it was because of the smile. I don't smile all too often, but Ella makes me different.

Snap out of it, Hale, you're not human. You don't love.

I mentally sighed in annoyance, but I knew that my subconscious was right. I'm not human. And creatures like me don't love, at least that's how it supposed to be. And I intend on keeping it like that.

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