Chapter 4

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Me and my best friend Tracy were hanging at my place, doing homework together. I know we seem like nerds, but in reality we just want to get good grades. My parents aren't really strict, but when it comes to school, they have high expectations. Sometimes it gets annyoing, I mean they expect me to get straight A's and when I get like a B, they get ridiculously mad. But other than that, they're pretty chill parents. I have no curfew or anything like that. Luckily.

"So, Ella...I heard you talked to that new kid?" Tracy suddenly said, causing me to look down and bite my lip. Even only the thought of Christian made me nervous.  Something is seriously wrong with me. I can't like him, I just met him today. Besides, there's something odd about him. Maybe it's just the fact that I want to find out more about him.

"Yeah...we talked in Calculus a bit and you were there when I talked to him by the lockers," I said, still looking down at my Calculus homework.

Tracy giggled and I know that the next thing she'll say is that I have a crush on Christian. Like hell. I don't like him at all. I mean, it's not my fault that he has amazing looks. But that doesn't mean I like him. Not at all.

"Someone's got a crush," she said in a sing-song voice. See? I told you.

"Do not." I stated, feeling my cheeks heat up a bit.

Damn. Why do I blush so easily?

Great. Now she thinks I actually have a crush on Christian, which I totally don't. Besides, Christian has a scary attitude and he seems like a player. So no. Definitely not my type of boy.

Tracy shook her head and from her expression, I saw that she didn't believe me at all. "Come on. Don't deny it, Ella. You totally love him," she stated.

I shook my head and continued to do my homework, trying to ignore her words the best I could. Sometimes Tracy is annoying, but she's still my best friend.

"What's he like?" Tracy asked, curiously.

I couldn't help but giggle at her eagerness of knowing what Christian's like because it seemed like he had only talked to me during the school day. It was odd because I'm usually the girl guys don't pay attention to. And now all of a sudden Christian did. We didn't tall much though and it was mostly Christian who talked to me. I didn't tall that much to him because he annoyed the crap out of me with his player attitude. And as much as I hate to admit, he scared me because it seemed like he could read my thoughts.

"Well um...he's cocky, self-centered, a player but his looks are great though," I spoke, causing Tracy to giggle at my description of Christian. Suddenly I hear this oddly, familiar voice coming from somewhere in my room.

"It's nice how you think that lowly of me, Angel."

It seemed almost like the voice spoke in my head, but I doubt it. It echoed in the room for a while and I looked at Tracy, but it seemed like she heard nothing. Or at least she looked normal.

"Did you hear that?" I asked her, still creeped out by the voice that was just heard. Tracy scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Hear what?" She asked and I just shrugged.

Was it just my imagination or did someone actually speak?

I just shrugged it off, not wanting to think of it anymore. It was probably just my imagination. I mean, there's no one else in this room other than Tracy and I.

"Never mind," I said and smiled at her reassuringly. Tracy nodded slowly and then we went back to doing homework.

The whole time we did homework, I noticed my mind going back to Christian. It was almost like he had me captivated under his spell. I just felt the need to think about him. Yet at the same time, something in me told me to stay away from him.

I tried to focus on my homework, but soon found it impossible. What just happened a few minutes ago was still fresh in my mind.

Where did that voice come from?

It creeped me out, but I knew I shouldn't overthink it. If I did, I'd just become extremely paranoid.

"Maybe you should be paranoid, Angel, because you never know who's watching you."

There it was again. The voice. This time, I was sure I heard it.

But once again, Tracy didn't seem to notice a single thing.

Maybe it was just my imagination. I mean, I sure hope it's just that because the fact that someone may be watching me creeps me out. Maybe I'm just stressed and tired and because of that, I hear voices.

"Ella?" Tracy's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, causing me to look at her.

"Uh...yeah?" I asked and looked at her, wondering what she wanted to say. Maybe I was thinking so intently that I didn't hear what she was saying.

Tracy just shook her head, smiling, and gave me a 'Did you hear anything I just said?' look.

"I said that I really need to leave now, Mom will be home soon, and as you know, I need to be home before that."

Did I mention that Tracy's parents are really strict? Well, they are. She has to be home 6pm during the week, and 8pm during the weekends. It's ridiculous how strict they are. I'm lucky to have pretty cool parents. Because, like I said, they're only strict about school.

"Oh...well see you at school, then?" I asked, smiling at her.

Tracy nods, stuffing her school books in her backpack. I smiled at Tracy and walked her to the front door. I noticed Mom and Dad weren't home yet, but they'd probably be home soon. I sure hope so, because after hearing that voice, I don't look forward to being home alone.

"Bye then, see you tomorrow, Ella," Tracy smiled and I shut the door after she stepped out.

I walked in the living room and plopped down on the couch, turning the TV on. It was some Lifetime movie on and I just decided to watch it. I love Lifetime movies. Don't judge. I only love them because there's always some stupid girl doing something stupid that will get her killed. It's always funny. I know, I have a weird sense of humor.

I pulled a blanket over my body and snuggled into a confortable position on the couch. I continuwd to watch the movie until suddenly something happened that scared the living shit out of me.

There was a loud bang heard upstairs.

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