Chapter 18

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A few days had passed since the incident in the cafeteria.

Ever since then, Christian and I had been growing closer, despite of how afraid he was of his boss finding out about me.

I hadn't asked him anything about his boss because I sensed that he didn't want to talk about it. I had decided though, that I was going to ask him about it sometime.

Christian had brought me home after school yesterday because I didn't have a ride and he didn't like the idea of me walking home all alone.

I, however, gladly accepted his offer.

I mean, I enjoy being around him.

Christian is really a nice guy, despite him acting like a player at times. He still has many girls basically throwing themselves at him, but I think the incident in the cafeteria a few days back changed things a little bit. Melissa has been even meaner than she usually is, but she hasn't dare come near when Christian is around.

I guess she's really frightened of Christian.

I don't blame her though, Christian is pretty scary when he's angry.

Right now, Christian and I are in the library right now, working on our project.

Christian had been acting really silly the whole time we'd been in the library.

At first, I found it funny, but now, it's annoying me.

I mean, I want to get this project ready and done with and Christian messing around is not helping at all.

"Ella, can we just go home already and finish this on another day?" Christian whined.

I groaned, looking at him, annoyed.

Christian looked at me with those beautiful dark brown eyes and smirked.

He knew I was annoyed and now he'd probably use it to his advantage.

At moments like this, I hate how he can read my thoughts.

And all that just because sometimes, I just want to keep my thoughts to myself.

"Oh, so I'm annoying you, huh?" Christian smirked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Yes, because you're not helping me at all." I said, sighing, annoyed.

I felt a headache beginning to pound in my head. I shut my eyes tightly, massaging my temples.

I felt stressed and I just wanted Christian to cooperate for once.

When we started working on the project today, Christian actually was helping me.

But that only lasted for the first half of an hour.

Ever since then, he has been goofing around and throwing flirty comments at me.

"Well, I can't help the fact that I'd much rather be doing something else." Christian winked at me.

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks, but I tried to ignore it the best I could.

Christian seriously has to stop this and actually help me on this because we're in this together. I'm not going to do this myself.

I shot Christian a glare and went back to the project, writing down some stuff.

Christian snickered beside me and traced his fingers up and down my thigh.

I groaned, annoyed by the way he was acting.

The player act all over again.

Jesus Christ.

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