Chapter 20

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Ella just stared at Christian, her breath hitching in her throat.

She wasn't able to breathe even as she was shocked.

She hadn't expected to see Christian there and yet, she was more than happy to see him there.

Ella covered her mouth in shock as a few tears strolled down her cheeks.

She couldn't believe it was really him. She thought she'd never see him again and yet, here he was, before her very own eyes.

Once Ella finally gotten her breathing steady, she looked at Christian, who was staring right back, biting his lip a little nervously.

"Oh my God." Ella whispered as suddenly, a wide smile spread her lips and she squealed, causing Christian to crack a smile, too.

"Yeah..." Christian said as he came closer to Ella's window.

Ella stepped aside so Christian could come in and soon, they were both standing in Ella's room.

Christian's black wings were spread around the both of them, keeping anyone from seeing them.

Ella was staring up at Christian, tears of happiness falling down her cheeks.

"H-How are you here?" Ella whispered, shocked, and looked at Christian, her eyebrows raised.

Christian chuckled and cupped Ella's cheek with his right hand, stroking her cheek gently with his thumb.

Ella blushed a little at his actions, but remained silent, waiting for Christian's response.

"I never left, Ella." Christian said, wiping Ella's tears away.

Christian had been watching over Ella the past days and it would be an understatement to say he had been hurt by the way she had been. How she had just been sitting in her room and cried all day long because she thought Christian would be gone.

He had wanted to tell her right away, but he knew he couldn't. However, now he has found the moment perfect and here he was, close to Ella.

"You never left?" Ella whispered, blinking her eyes to keep any more tears from falling.

Christian shook his head, stroking Ella's cheek with his thumb, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

Ella's smile widened a little when Christian wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Ella wrapped her arms around Christian and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." Ella whispered, burying her face in Christian's chest.

Christian sighed and pulled Ella even closer.

"It's fine, I know you didn't mean it, Ella." He spoke and tried his best to assure Ella that it really was fine.

He loved the feeling of having Ella close just as much as Ella enjoyed it.

They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other.

A little while later, Ella finally let go of Christian and just looked at him.

At his perfect eyes, how they seemed to sparkle from some emotion she didn't quite recognize. How his jaw was perfectly sculpted and there wasn't a single flaw on his face.

Christian parted his lips, tilting his head to the side as he listened to Ella's thoughts.

Ella just kept admiring every single thing about Christian, loving how he was so perfect.

Christian was the definition of perfect.

Ella found herself just staring at Christian's lips, admiring how they were so plump and how they looked so kissable.

And to tell the truth, she wanted nothing more than to kiss Christian in that very moment.

Suddenly, Christian picked up Ella and Ella wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms finding their way around his neck.

Christian smiled, holding Ella up as their foreheads leaned against each other.

Ella could feel Christian's breath against her lips and she let out a little giggle.

Christian smiled as his eyes were locked on Ella's.

It seemed like there was nothing else but those two in that moment as they both slowly leaned in, their lips finding each other.

The kiss was slow and gentle, it was pure love.

Both of them were happy in that moment, both of them could feel the sparks when they kissed.

And that only meant one thing.

It meant that Ella had done the one thing that was considered impossible.

She had made a Fallen Angel, close to a demon, fall in love with her.


As I felt Ella's lips move against mine, all I could feel was this warmth spreading around my whole body.

I hadn't felt like this in a long time.

I hadn't felt loved in a long while and I hadn't loved anyone ever since I became a Fallen Angel.

But, Ella changed that.

I mean, there's something different about her.

She is definitely nothing like those slutty girls at our school.

She's an amazing girl, who respects herself and doesn't just give in to any guy right away.

I held her up as we kissed, her lips felt so amazing against mine.

They were so soft and warm.

I loved how they felt against mine, the sparks I felt were amazing.

It was like fireworks and bombs were flying around when I felt her lips against mine.

It was like nothing else mattered, like there was no one else in this world but the two of us.

When we finally pulled away, I couldn't help but smile.

And Ella was smiling too, wide smile that made my stomach do flips.

Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she looked at me and it made me melt inside.

Ella was the only one to get this reaction out of me, there was no one else who could do that.

I held Ella close to me, not letting her stand on her own.

She didn't mind though, she clearly enjoyed to be in my arms.

At least, that's what her thoughts told me.

"Christian?" Ella asked and I looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

She took a deep breath and she looked like she was gathering the courage to say whatever she was about to say.

Then, she looked me straight in the eyes and spoke.

"I-I...I love you, Christian."

I smiled widely, although I had already heard it from her thoughts, it felt so amazing to hear that coming straight from her.

It was amazing to hear her say it.

I smiled, knowing exactly what to say in response.

I stroked Ella's cheek and never looked away from Ella.

I was a little nervous since I had never said it to anyone before, but this felt right.

It felt more than right to say it to Ella.

"I love you too, Ella."

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