Chapter 5

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I turned the TV off, listening cautiously if there would be another sound heard. But no. It was dead silent in the house. And for some reason that scared me even more.

I didn't dare get up from the couch. I just sat there, listening to the dead silence.

Whatever or whoever made that sound must have got in the house through a window. But it's the second floor and there are no trees close to the windows. Also, the windows are always locked. So how the hell could someone get in there?

Okay, Ella, relax. Maybe it was just some stuff falling from a shelf or something like that.

Although, why would stuff fall off a shelf by itself?

I sighed, frustrated, trying to find my phone in my pocket. It wasn't there.

Crap, I must've left it upstairs.

I sighed, annoyed, feeling a little more unsafe now that my phone was upstairs and I was all alone.

I sure hope no one is there and it was just some stuff falling. Because if someone's up there, I'm screwed.

Ten minutes had passed and I decided to turn the TV back on to keep me from thinking about that noise. It didn't work that too well, but after a while I felt my eyelids become heavy. I yawned and finally gave in for the tiredness and closed my eyes. I soon felt so comfortable on the couch and forgot about everything that had just happened and just fell in a somewhat deep sleep.


I was walking through a dark forest. It was all dark and foggy around me and the only light came from the moon that    was shining above the trees, a faint light reaching the path I was walking along. I didn't hear any noises except for my own footsteps and the leaves crunching under my feet. Other than that, it was dead silent. It was scary in a way, although I didn't think much of it as I just walked and walked. I didn't seem to have a destination and I just kept walking along the path. The path seemed like it'd never end. I couldn't see the end of it. It just continued and there was a dark forest surrounding it.

Suddenly, there was a snap. It sounded like a stick breaking as someone stepped on it. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around me I'm the forest. But because of the darkness, I couldn't see anything except for my own feet.

The forest around me was pitch black and I had no idea who or what could be lurking in there. And the thought of that scared the hell out of me a lot.

All of a sudden, there was a cold breeze surrounding me. It made shivers run down my spine and it made me feel scared. It didn't feel like normal wind, it felt somewhat different. I can't explain how it felt different, but it just did.

As the breeze finally stopped, I felt like I was being watched. Like someone was close to me. And it was a very uneasy feeling to be honest. I decided to just continue walking. I walked for a while, but something in front of me made me stop dead in my tracks.

There was a dark figure standing a few meters away from me. It looked like a human's figure, but then again, it didn't.

The figure was standing with their back facing me. Maybe I should just turn around, I thought to myself. I couldn't just walk up there not knowing what that figure was.

"Oh, babygirl, you ain't going nowhere." A cold voice spoke. It seemed to echo through the forest. The voice was inhuman. It came out as a low hiss. It was cold, demanding and it made me feel scared.

My breath caught in my throat. Did that thing just read my thoughts?

"Oh you bet, babygirl. I can read every single thought that's in your mind." The figure chuckled darkly and I shivered.

"W-W-Who are you?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

The figure chuckled and turned around so it was facing. 

I gasped.

I couldn't see the figure's face, but what I saw two blood red eyes staring at me through the dark. It was frightening.

*End of dream*

I snapped awake, breathing heavily and sweating. My heart was beating fast the dream was still fresh in my mind.

Those frightening bloody red eyes and a dark figure.

The figure was frightening.

It seemed human and inhuman at the same time.

The figure's eyes were bloody red and anger was flaring through them. It's voice was so demanding, low, was like a hiss.

No human talks like that.

I kept saying that to myself, but something inside me was doubting my own thoughts. That small voice in my head was screaming that the figure in the dream was real.

But creatures like that do not exist, do they?

No, they definitely do not.

Suddenly, the door slammed, making me snap out of my thoughts.

Mom and Dad were finally home!

I smiled and jumped off the couch and ran toward the hall, where they'd probably be by now.

On my way there, I glanced at the clock. 8:00.

I saw my parents standing in the hall, putting their shoes and jackets away. They both looked tired, it was no wonder after a long day of work though.

"Hey Mom, Dad!" I greeted them, smiling.

I was so grateful they came home. I was really getting paranoid and scared by being home alone and all those creely things happening. But now, I thankfully wasn't home alone anymore.

"Hey sweetie," Mom said and embraced me in a hug, as did Dad soon after.

I love my parents more than anything in this world and they mean so much to me. They can be can be anoying at times, but at times like this, they made me feel safe. 

"Alright, I'll be making some dinner real quick and then we can eat," Mom announced. I smiled and nodded, skipping to kitchen to help my mother with dinner.


After I was finished with dinner, I stood up from the table and put my plate in the sink. My parents were still eating.

"I'll be upstairs," I said and smiled at my parents before skipping to the bottom of the stairs.

Once I stood there, a shiver ran down my back. Now I'd have to go up there and face whatever has happened there. I was a bit afraid of what I would see there.

The stairs creaked under my feet as I slowly walked up the stairs.

Right as I came in my room, I knew something was wrong.

A cold breeze was hitting my skin as I stepped further into my room.  It was dark. I couldn't see a thing except for the moon shining high above in the sky through my window. The curtains were moving lightly because of the light wind that was blowing in my room.

I shivered and quickly switched the lights on.

When I flicked the light on, I noticed two odd things.

First, when Tracy and I left my room, the window was closed and locked. I was sure of that. My window was locked at all times when it's closed. But right now, it was wide open.

Second, there was a single black feather on the floor.

I walked to it and picked it up. It was long and pitch black. It wasn't there when I went downstairs.

Someone had been in my room.

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