Chapter 6

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Next morning, I woke up to my alarm blaring at 7:00am.

I groaned and slammed it, turning it off. I buried my face deep in my pillow.

I really didn't want to wake up at all. I had barely gotten any sleep last night. I was too scared after everything that had happened, it kept me up almost all night. Also, the dream totally creeped me out. The figure was terrifying. It just kept haunting me in my mind.

"Ella, sweetie, time to get up! Breakfast is ready!" Mom yelled from downstairs, in her usual happy voice. She never sounds tired. I wonder how she does that.

I lifted my head from the pillow and forced myself to sit up. I set my feet on the cold wooden floor and stood up.

I shivered at the coldness of my room as I walked to the door and went down the stairs. I rubbed my eyes as I appeared in the kitchen, where the wonderful smell of pancakes was swirling around. I licked my lips, suddenly feeling hungry.

"Morning Mom, morning Dad." I yawned and took a plate and put some pancakes on it.

Mom stood at the counter, leaning her back on it, while taking long sips from her cup of coffee. Her hair was still a little messy, so she must have gotten up just a little while ago.

Dad, however, sat at the table, already dressed in his suit and reading the newspaper while eating his breakfast and drinking his coffee.

"Morning, sweetie. Did you have a good sleep?" Mom asked as I reached for the syrup in the cabinet.

I grabbed the syrup and then walked to the table where I had already placed my plate of pancakes. As I poured some syrup on my pancakes (Okay, make that a lot of syrup), I shook my head as an answer to Mom's question. And I wasn't even lying. I got a horribly small amount of sleep last night. Thanks to whoever creeped in my room yesterday.

"Oh, well make sure you still focus on school today." Mom said while placing her coffee cup in the sink.

I walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of orange juice and poured some in a glass. Then I walked back to the table and sat down. I was still feeling very tired, but I knew had to eat breakfast quickly so I could go and get ready for school. I had to be in school in about an hour and Mom and Dad would take me there, like always.

I munched on the pancakes, mentally moaning at the taste of them. But somewhere inside of me, I constantly felt paranoid. I felt like someone was watching my every move, like someone was listening to every word that left my mouth. But it must just be my imagination.

After I finished breakfast, I quickly skipped up the stairs and ran in the bathroom.

I quickly put the slightest bit of makeup on my face and then ran into my room to find some decent clothes to wear.

After rummaging through my closet for about a good ten minutes, I finally found something to wear.

I slipped on some black skinny jeans and a red tank top. Then I grabbed my backpack and quickly tied my hair up in a messy bun, not having much time to do more to it. I'd just fix it later in the school bathroom.

I skipped down the stairs and to the hall, where my parents were already waiting for me, looking a little impatient.

"Well, it's about time, young lady." My father chuckled. 

I just smiled at them and grabbed my black Air Force Nike's, quickly putting them on.

Then, we all headed to the car. I know it might make me seem like a little girl, but I don't have a car just yet so I need someone to drive me to school. And none of my friends have a car either so I get a ride from my parents.

We arrived at school in ten minutes and I quickly walked out of the car.

When I was walking towards the door, I heard a chuckle behind me. I turned around and there he stood.

Christian Hale.

He was wearing some black jeans and a white tank top. He was wearing a pair of dark shades. The sun wasn't even shining. Who wears shades when the sun doesn't shine? That's just weird.

"Hey, um...Ella, right?" Christian spoke in a raspy voice.

I must admit, he's pretty hot. Not that I'd like him, though.

"Uh, yeah. Hey," I said, flashing him a small smile.

He chuckled, his lips forming the familiar smirk as he looked at me. He tilted his head to the side a little bit and just continued to look at me. Although, I couldn't tell for sure because he was wearing those shades.

"Am I making you nervous?" Christian smirked, sounding amused once again.

Jesus Christ, this boy is such a self-centered dickhead who thinks too much of himself.

He is the kind of guy that just expects every girl to throw themselves at him. He also seems like the guy who fucks a girl then dumps them, which is the worst type of guy there is.

"I told you yesterday that you're not making me nervous." I stated, but I still somehow managed to sound insecure.

God, Christian had this weird affect to me.

But I can't admit that to him though. Never in a million years would I admit that he's making me nervous. Just...just no.

"Believe what you want, Angel, but I know the truth." Christian smirked, and with that, he brushed past me and walked in the school, leaving me standing there completely dumbfounded. Just like yesterday.

I swear, he's so annoying and scary and self-centered and a bit of a jerk. But yet, he attracts me. Well, his looks do. His personality, not so much.

I walked into school and made my way to class. I had English IV first period and the class was pretty close to the main entrance.

But to my bad luck, Christian was also in that class.

It was odd how he had been in all my classes yesterday. But oh well, must be a coincidence.

I walked into class and sat in an available seat in the very back of the class. Although I'm a straight A student, I don't like sitting in the front.

I took my notebook out and start doodling some random figures on it as I heard footsteps coming towards me. I didn't bother looking up because it was probably no one special.

However, when the all too familiar, maybe even annoying, chuckle was heard, I looked up.

"Hey, Angel." He smirked as he sat in the seat beside me.

I mentally groaned in annoyance, although I enjoy sitting next to a boy as handsome as Christian. But he was annoying the crap out of me with his player attitude.

"Hey," I mumbled, not even looking at him anymore.

Christian chuckled, amused and twirled a strand of my hair around his index finger.

I swear to God, this boy is going to be the death of me and I only just met him yesterday.

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