The Shining Beacon Part 1

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So apparently new students are arriving today. Just great more weaklings that they are gonna throw into the wild to be mauled by grimm. Don't get me wrong, I do know some of them have potential but I can't help but feel most of them here are destined to die before their expiration date. I am listening to latin choir music and waiting for the bullheads with the new students to land. Minutes pass by and the bullhead lands. Some students go out, most of them are made of...Shadows?

(Y/N): Interesting. I'll have to look more into that later.

Some aren't covered in shadows. I see a blonde who's obviously a flirt. Leaving the top of your boobs exposed kind of gives that away. Next to her is a black haired girl with red tips on the end of her hair, but the most eye catching thing to me is her silver eyes.

(Y/N): Hmmm. She'll make it through.

All of a sudden she becomes a chibi?!?

(Y/N): What the hell?

Black: Ohmygosh, sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!"

She tries getting closer, but Blondey pulls her by the hood back into realistic proportions

Black: Ow! Ooww!

(Y/N): I had no idea fourth wall breakers exist in this world.

Blonde: Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons.

(Y/N): Wait they are sisters?!? How in the name of Monty did that happen?!?

Black: Just weapons'? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool!

Blonde: Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?

Black then grabs something off her back and unfurls it into a scythe.

(Y/N): Potential indeed!

Black: Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, but better...

(Y/N): So she's a weapon fanatic. Interesting.

Blondey playfully pulls down Black's hood.

Blonde: Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?"

(Y/N): So Ruby is her name. I'll keep that in mind.

Ruby takes off her hood.

Ruby: But... why would I need friends if I have you?

Blonde: Well...

In a flash, a group of other shadow covered students surround Blonde and they all dash down the road

Blonde: Actually, my friends are here. Gotta go catch up. 'Kay, see ya, bye!

I take this as my opportunity to approach her. I calmly walk up to her, thinking that if I can teach her the ways of combat, she'll be a first class huntress in no time.

Ruby: Wait, where are you going?! Are we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms? Do we have dorms? I don't know what I'm doing...

She falls over but I teleport and catch her.

(Y/N): Easy there.

Ruby: T-Thanks.

I gently lay her back on her feet. I see a white haired girl looking really pissed. I can tell her personality with just one look at her. I also recognize her as Weiss Schnee. Just great...NOT!

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