Dance Dance Infiltration

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Third Person POV

Oobleck is shown to be listening intently as Port laughs over some unheard anecdote. Ozpin is standing off to the side with Glynda until Anubis Deka, the UYO (Understanding Your Opponents) teacher offers his hand for her to dance with him, which she gladly accepts. Jaune approaches Ruby, who is standing pensively near the refreshments tables.

Jaune: I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too.

Ruby: Yep.

Jaune: To the socially awkward.

Elise suddenly appears behind them.

Elise: C-Can I join in this?

She says clearly shy.

Ruby: Of course you can!

Ruby giggles and they clink glasses.

Ruby: So, things ended up working out with Pyrhha

Jaune: Yeah! She's amazing. I can say the same about you and Y/N.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Jaune: Well, come on you two are seen as the cutest couple next to us for the first years.

Jaune begins to drink his punch while Ruby blushes.

Ruby: We're...Not that cute...

Jaune chokes in surprise.

Jaune: Uh, what? You're kidding right?


Ruby is seen training with her scythe. Y/N then approaches her.

Y/N: You're doing it all wrong Rubes. Your stance makes you easily disarmable. Here, let me fix that.

He stands behind her and fixes her stance while Ruby blushes from her boyfriend touching her. Y/N then pecks her cheeks making Ruby cover her face with her cloak.


Jaune: And that's just one thing!

Ruby then takes notice of Elise, who's silently drinking her punch.

Ruby: Hey-

Elise flinches and chokes on her punch and coughs.

Elise: S-Sorry. I-I'm not the social type.

Ruby: Can I at least know your name and weapon?

Elise: I-I am Elise L-Lorwyn. I have t-this.

She pulls out a wooden cube. She presses a button on it and it turns into a bow.

Elise: This bow m-materializes arrows using my aura. I-It takes very l-little so I can fire up to a t-ten million arrows without healing my aura. I-It also turns into t-two daggers that have a g-grapple mode so I can climb on walls e-easier.

Ruby: That's cool!

Laughter draws Weiss' attention to Sun, Blake, and Neptune as the latter entertains the others with some impressions and other silly faces. Jaune, shown to be observing as well, becomes visibly perturbed.

Jaune: Hold my punch.

Jaune hands Ruby his glass and no sooner than he vanishes from sight does she choose to drink from his cup. As Jaune makes his way across the room, shoving other students aside, some of which were not even in his path. He stops short and watches as Pyrrha Nikos passes by. He watches her walk glumly up the stairs and seems to have a change of heart.
The scene shifts to Pyrrha on a balcony as Jaune approaches behind her.

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