The First Step Part 2 and The Emerald Forest Part 1

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Isabelle POV

I actually am glad that (Y/N) is my partner. Me and him go way back to kindergarten where he defended me from a bunch of bullies. We're complete opposites of each other as well. I'm happy, excitbale, social and love jokes and (Y/N) is cold, mysterious, far from social and hates jokes.

Isabelle: Soooo (Y/N), how has Beacon been treating you so far.

(Y/N): So far i've made two friends. One I'm considering taking under my wing.

Isabelle: Hah! You just made a pun!

He growls.

(Y/N): Anyways, her name is Ruby. She shows real potential unlike another kid I met.

Isabelle: You're talking about that Jaune guy right?

(Y/N): Yes. I don't understand how he even got here.

Isabelle: Forgery? Bribery? Kidnapping?

(Y/N): Perhaps. I'd rather not delve into that right now.

All of a sudden we hear a dragon roaring. No, an actual dragon, not a grimm one. We look to the side of us and see a girl with long black hair, pink headphones, pink high heels, black leather skin-tight pants, pink shirt, white jacket with glitters and blue eyes is riding a red dragon who's burning down an entire hoard of grimm.

????: Go get em brother!

When the grimm dissapears, the girl hops off and the dragon turns into a man. He has black hair in a modern quiff style, dragon wings on his back, glasses, black labcoat, blue shirt, black jeans and red sneakers. His eyes also are red on the left and blue on the right. The girl hugs him.

????: You're amazing Raviera! I'm proud of ya!

Raviera: Don't mention it Amara. We're siblings right? So no need to worry.

I can feel my heart pound when I hear him talk. Wait, did I fall in love with him. I smack myself.

Isabelle: Come on Is! You just saw him and you're already in love?!?

(Y/N) walks up to them and smirking. He must think that they are strong. I decide to follow.

(Y/N): Greetings. I am (Y/N) (L/N), My friend here is called Isabelle Arachne. We noticed your fight earlier and I must say, I'm impressed.

Raviera: Thank you. My name's Raviera Cyclonia.

Amara: And I'm Amara Cyclonia, his little sister but only by 5 hours.

Isabelle: Hey, how'd you turn into a dragon?

Raviera: It's one of my semblances. It runs in the family. My sister here can transform into a wyvern, but she hasn't fully mastered it yet.

Isabelle: One of them?

Raviera: I have another. I can summon lightning and manipulate it to my will.

Amara: And I have one I like to call "Show Stopper"! If I listen to music, I gain powers based on it!

Isabelle: That's cool! Say, wanna come with us?

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