Lessons Learned

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Third Person POV

After the opening, the Amity Colosseum is still floating high amid the cheers of an excited audience as the two opposing pairs of partners for the match, the grinning Isabelle and Raviera against a confident Coco and a slightly nervous Velvet, wait in the center of the stadium for the holographic roulette to pick the field.

Port: Isabelle and Raviera of Beacon, versus Coco and Velvet of Beacon!

Fox: Good luck, you two!

The Colosseum chooses four fields to rise up from below in quarter sections: A patch of tall grassy plains which has a single tree and some rocks; the ruins of a city, complete with buildings holding shattered windows and rubble among the pavement; a hot spring containing geyser spots along a small river and some blue Dust crystal growths; and a familiar section of dense forest.

Coco: *Lowers her sunglasses as she eyes her opponents.* Hey! Love the outfit, kid!

Isabelle: I'll try not to get blood on it.

Velvet: G-G-Good luck!

Raviera: You too, may the best huntsmen win.

Port: Three, two, one, begin!

Instead of charging forward, Isabelle slings and Raviera flies back into the tall grass and disappear behind the leaves. Coco and Velvet smile at each other before the leader pops out her Gatling gun and begins mowing down the field as the crowds of sunglasses-wearing fans roar their approval, even when bullets nearly hit them from the other side of the forcefield. Coco lets up as she and Velvet realize the two opponents aren't in the plains section anymore.

Coco: Huh?

Blake: Look out!

Raviera drops from the sky, aiming his charged gauntlets for Coco, but Velvet pushes her out of the way and blocks the claws with a shield created with her semblance, pushing him back. Coco opens fire at him again, though Raviera is able to fly around each shot.

Sun: He's good!

Scarlet: Yeah, but where's the girl?

Raviera reaches the two and slices Coco's weapon in half while dodging a blade Velvet created, then delivering a double blow to the faunus girl with his gauntlets before jumping over Coco and turning into a dragon, he breathes fire on Coco who is defenceless without her gun and her aura gets destroyed, with burn marks on her clothes.

Velvet: COCO!

Isabelle grins as she hides behind Velvet but Velvet hears Isabelle's spider legs hit the ground. Velvet created a spear and quickly turns around to stab Isabelle through the stomach. Blood escapes Isabelle's mouth as she loses half of her aura. But then she grins. She points to Velvet's leg and she looks. She sees webs around her legs. Her eyes widen.

Isabelle: Hmm...Next you're gonna say "What the!?" Right?

Velvet: What the!?

Her eyes widen. Raviera flies down and slams Velvet into the ground. Velvet loses all of her aura.

Oobleck: Isabelle and Raviera of Team _IAR are victorious!

Raviera helps Coco up and Isabelle helps Velvet up.

Isabelle: Good job.

Coco: You two work great together you know that?

Raviera: We do. We'll carry you to the infirmary.

Coco and Velvet nod and hold hands as Raviera and Isabelle carry them. Meanwhile, in an elegant twilit pavilion area of ivy-covered pillars, rounded archways, and lion-decorated fountains, Weiss and Winter are sitting at a simple table with a plate full of croissants and strawberries. Winter is sipping from her teacup as Weiss repeats the news she was just told.

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