Siblings and Confessions

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Raviera POV

As I sit in my dorm reading I realize that it's Saturday, and I have nothing to do. Y/N is hanging out with Isabelle in the city and Amara is here but she also doesn't know what to do, she got out of the infirmary last night and has completely healed. We hear a knock on the door. I get out of my bed and go to the door, on the other side of the portal door, I see Yang and Ruby.

Yang: Hey guys! We wanna know if you two wanna hang out?

Ruby: Like a sibling hang out!

Amara: I'm down!

Raviera: Me too. Let's go.

Amara gets out of bed and we exit the door. We take the bullhead to the city, once we land we go to a pastry café. "L/N's Sweet Café" funny. I wonder if someone from Y/N's family owns this. We walk inside and we see a woman manning, or womanning the counter. She has brown hair, a red bow, pink button-up shirt, dark pink jacket and a pink dress along with brown boots.

Aerith: Hi there! Welcome to L/N's Sweet Café! I'm Aerith, how can I help you.

Raviera: First, I have a question. Do you know Y/N L/N? Are you a part of his family?

Aerith: Yes I do know him! He's my nephew. I assume you're Raviera and that's Amara?

Amara: How did you-

Aerith: Y/N stays in touch with the family he has left. He's told everyone about you guys. Don't worry all of the things he said were positive.

Yang: Has left?

Aerith: You didn't know? His mother and father got killed by the White Fang a year ago. I still feel sorry for him...

Ruby: That's terrible!

Aerith: I know...Anyways, what would you guys like?

Ruby: Chocolate chip and strawberry cookies!

Yang: Do you have anything with alchohol in it?

Aerith: We have lots! We have a strawberry sunrise cake as our discount of the day!

Yang: I'll take that!

Raviera: Some tea and biscuits please.

Amara: Give me the biggest slice of red velvet cake you have!

Aerith: Anything to drink?

Ruby: Milk!

Yang: I'm good!

Amara: Chocolate milk!

Aerith: On it!

She dashes into the kitchen.

Yang: So how's life Raviera?

Raviera: Well, I'm sure that Isabelle is in love with me but I'm not really sure.

Yang gasps.

Yang: Isabelle?!? That's so cuuuuuuute!

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