Field Trip

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A/N: Even though Cinder, Mercury and Emerald are alive, they will be pretty much nonexistant in the story unless needed for the plot.


I am walking through the emerald forest. Killing the grimm to clear my mind and release some stress from school. Not that the tests are difficult, hell, I only get B+ to A+ so it's easy. Just some stress from some assholes in the school. Even after CRDL got expelled, there were still some assholes in Beacon. I hear a growl but it doesn't sound menacing. It sounds cute and I can hear confusion in it. I look and see a Ursa cub. It's just rolling around on the grass, probably left behind by it's group. I walk up to it and it jumps on me, not to attack me but to hug me. It licks my face and snuggles closer to me.

Y/N: It must think I'm it's father. Might as well keep it if it's friendly. Now what am I gonna name you? How about...Eclipse?

The cub gives a happy growl, approving of the name. I go back to Beacon with Eclipse hanging on my back. Luckily it's early so nobody notices. I take Eclipse to my room amd make a bed out of leftover pillows. I lay Eclipse on the ground amd it goes towards it's bed and plays with and bites some of the pillows. Isabelle starts waking up an she sees Eclipse.

Isabelle: What's an Ursa doing here?

Y/N: It's a cub actually. I found it in the forest and it thought I was it's dad. It was friendly so I decided to keep it and name it Eclipse.

Isabelle walks up to the bed. Eclipse jumps on Isabelle and snuggles her, she squeals and holds the cub close.

Isabelle: I will protect it with my life! Oh my Oum it's so adorable!


The door to Team RWBY's dorm room opens, revealing Yang, Blake, and Weiss inside. The three zoom over to the person in the door, who is revealed to be Ruby.

Yang: Oh Ruby! Just in time! Dad send a package from home.

Yang produces a cylindrical package the length of her forearm.

Ruby: What's that?

Yang: I don't know yet. I thought we could open it together!

Ruby: Ooooh! Something from home!

Ruby zooms over to Yang and wraps herself around Yang, trying to take the cylinder from her. The package opens, and another cylinder, hairy and black, falls out onto the floor and starts to shake. The object suddenly transforms into a corgi. Team RWBY leans in, staring at it. The animal barks twice. While Weiss and Blake continue to react with great shock, Ruby and Yang react excitedly, with Ruby jumping in the air. Ruby, still airborne, is depicted among a changing blue background and four shots of the dog, two full body shots and two headshots. She then poses as she shouts the dog's name.

Ruby: Zwei!

Blake: He sent a dog?

Weiss: In the mail?

Yang: Oh, he does stuff like this all the time!

Blake disappears, shown now to be on Ruby's bunk.

Blake: Your father or your dog?

Weiss: Are you telling me that this mangy... drooling... mutt is going to wiv wif us foweva? Oh, yes he is, yes he is! Oh, isn't he adorable!

Blake: Please keep it away from my belongings.

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