Chapter 7: To Close Of A Call

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Heidi's POV

The next morning, I awoke with the feeling that I have had many times before in the past month and it never fails to wake me up, I quickly untangle myself from Harry's embrace and as fast as I can run to the bathroom just making it just in time, yep morning sickness is the most awful feeling in the world, to me it feels like having a hangover but you never drank. I suddenly feel a pair of hands pull my hair back, "I think's it time ye back to the doctor's love, you seem sicker then you were before you went the first time." I am not sure why but just the sound of Harry's voice calms me down inside, I know it strange but I think the baby likes the sound of his father's voice, "I just ate something bad last night, nothing to worry about." I flush the toilet and start brushing my teeth, "I just feel so helpless seeing you like this." I start to think that maybe I should tell him, Ally had a point, how should I know how he will react. Like a flash, I start to recall everything moment Harry got news, and rather it was good or bad the reaction was the same, he would blow up and hurt someone. "Don't feel that way, I am just fine." I kiss his lips and start running my fingers through his messy hair, "You still sore from last night?" Harry asks with a cocky grin on his face, "A little, but I am starting to get used to it." I run my hand down his pecks and along his abs, "You know it that it is only 7 in the morning." I say looking over at the clock on the nightstand, Harry wraps his arms around my waist, "Which means we still have a few hours to kill before we have to do anything." Harry picks me up bridal style and throws me onto his bed, I can't help the giggle the escape me lips, "Harry, we can't." Harry climbs on the bed and on top of me, "Why not?" My eyes go to the right and Harry follows my gaze, he noticed that Kevin was still fast asleep in his bed, "it is times like this I hate having a roommate." I let out a soft giggle, "Well, we are just going to have to wait till he leaves." Harry rolls his eyes and falls to the other side of the bed, it is moments like this that I know Harry will be a great father, I look deep into his blue eyes and get lost in them, I am brought back to reality by the feeling of Harry's hand on my stomach, "You sure that it is just bad food?" I start to think that he knows more than I think he does, could have Pandora told someone and that someone told Harry, "Why? Do you think it's something else?" I ask pushing his hand away from my stomach. "I don't know, it could be anything." Harry smiles his dark smile and I return a smile back to him, "You need you stop worrying so much, it is starting to affect you." Harry raises one of his eyebrows, "What do you mean by that?" I laugh at the tone in his voice, "Not like that, get your mind out of the gutter for one second, I am talking about your extracurricular activities, you were so distracted at your fencing practice last night that you were the first person out, and I know that isn't like you." I place my hand on his cheek, "Please for me, stop worrying and focus on whipping butt and keeping up your grades." I kiss his lips again. I pull out of the kiss and get an idea of someone that might give me a better perspective on telling Harry about the baby, "Well, as much fun as I am having I have to go somewhere." Harry tightens his grip on my waist, "No, you are staying right here with me." I move his hands and step out of bed, "May I ask where this important place is that you are going to at 7:30 in the morning?" I just pick up my shoes and purse and kiss his lips, "If I told you, I know you would follow me." I pull out of the kiss and walk into the hallway putting my own hand on my stomach, "I know baby, I don't like being apart from daddy neither, but we are off to see your future god father and I am hoping that he might have the answers I am looking for." I sigh one more time, feeling horrible that I just left Harry like that, and he didn't deserve that. I place my hand on the doorknob and for a fraction of a second I think I am going to open this door and tell him everything, but then I come back to my senses and take my hand off the knob, "I promise that once I get all of this straightened out I will tell you, I just hope that by that time you don't hate me forever." I say to the closed dorm door. I turn and head down the hallway and make my way to downstairs, "Morning Heidi." Evie smiles at me and waves, I smile and wave back, Morning Evie, is he in there?" I ask pointing to the door that she just came out of, "Of course, you know how he is, work is all he thinks about." I just laugh along with her, "You would think that he would have other things on his mind." Evie just nods her head, You would think but he takes his job very seriously." Evie then gives me a strange look, "What brings you here you early in the morning?" I just sigh, "I need his advice on something." Evie just nods her head again and walks off. I knock on the door, "Come in." I hear a voice say from inside the room. I open the door to see him looking at different papers on his desk. "Heidi? What can I do for you?" I close the door as I step inside the room, "I need your advice Ben." Ben smiles at me as he places the papers in his hand on the desk, "What's on your mind." 

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