Chapter 27: Cold Feet

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Heidi's POV

"You are worrying about nothing Mal, everything will be fine." Mal starts t breath heavy, "I can't be Queen, I don't know that first thing about ruling." Laugher erupts from me and Mal looks at me like I have lost my mind, "Mal, have you forgotten everything." Mal's look doesn't leave her face, "Before you came to Auradon and fell in love with Ben, you ruled the Isle with an iron fist." Mal's face softened and her breathing got back under control, "Ruling a few parts of the Isle is completely different then ruling over an entire kingdom." I tilt my head to the side and sigh, "Back on the Isle when someone messed with me I would beat them up or make them suffer then they ever dreamed of, people feared me so much that they wouldn't look me in the eyes, most of all I got what I want when I wanted and no asked any questions." Mal rule on the Isle was one that was still talked about to this day as far as I knew, "Auradon is a completely opposite, I have to be nice to everyone even those who I would rather pound into the ground, everyone will be watching my every move, waiting for me to slip up, and when I do they will turn on me and see me as just a girl from the Isle again." I was going to stop Mal from ranting but then I thought maybe it is better for her to get all of this out of her system now instead of tomorrow. "I don't think I can deal with the pressure, Ben is doing a great job on his own, why does he need me?" I couldn't take anymore, I place my hand over Mal's mouth to quite her down, "Listen to me, you will be a great Queen, you already proved that when you lead Carlos, Jay, and Evie here to Auradon, and if you need more proof look at what you did when Evie and I were going at it." I remove my hand from Mal's mouth, "The people of Auradon already love you Mal, they see you as their next Queen." Mal sighs and slouches in her chair, "You got lucky, your brother will rule the underworld one day, and he will have to deal with everything that comes with being a King." In pain me in my heart to hear those words, "Hadie will be ready, in fact Hadie has been ready for some time now, my father just doesn't want to give up his throne." Mal laughs a genuine laugh, "What if I don't live up to the Queen people think I will be." I place my hand on her knee, "No is perfect, and I know there are people who would rather see us all sent back, but you have to ignore them, and show them that they are wrong about you, and wrong about anyone who has ever crossed the magic barrier." Place laughs again, "Since when did you get all knowing and wise?" I start laughing with her, "It comes from my friend Ally, she is like the wisest person in all of Auradon." Mal places her hand over mine, "I was wrong about what I just said." I look at Mal with wonder in my eyes, "You would make a great Queen of the underworld." I shrug my shoulders, "Guess we will never know, besides I like the title of Princess." Through the opened window Mal and I can hear the sound of the bell ringing at Prep school, "I think we should be getting back, we have been here way longer then Fairy Godmother would like to be." Mal stands up and grabs her stuff from the corner, "Thank you for everything Heidi." I nod my head and pick up my stuff, "If you can't rant to your friends then why have any." I open the door and walk out with Mal right behind me, "You think Ben is as nervous as me?" Mal asks me as she closes the door, "I am sure that he WAY more nervous then you." Mal and I head out of the building and towards campus, "So are Ben and you sticking with tradition and staying away from each other tonight?" Mal nods her head sadly, "Evie is letting me sleep in my old bed tonight, it is going to feel weird not having Ben next to me." I shake my head completely understand what she was feeling, "I know the feeling, I can't sleep a wink unless Harry is in the same bed." Mal suddenly looks at me, "I am glad that Harry found you, when Harry and I dated we both thought we loved each other, and I guess we both did." I wasn't sure I wanted to hear this from Mal, "But deep down I knew that Harry and I weren't meant to be, the way he looks at you even when you don't see him, the way he wants to protect you from everything and everyone, of course the way he brightness up when you are in the room, and that is just naming not even a few things, Harry was never like with me, that tells me that Harry really loves you." I smile just at the thought of Harry, "And judging by the look on your face, I can tell that you really love him." I nod my head, "Ever since the day we met I have loved him, there is just something about him that I am drawn to." Mal and I reach the campus, "I am going to get so sleep, I have a big day tomorrow." I hug Mal one last time before she walks off in the direction of the girl's dorm. As I am making my way to the guy's dorm out of nowhere arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me off in different direction.

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