Chapter 29: The Next Group Of Newcomers

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Heidi's POV

Ben kneels in front of me, "What are you talking about Heidi?" I wipe away the tears from my eyes, "My mother got banished here because my father found out that she had another child." Ben nodded his head, "Now I understand, and I am so sorry that all of this is happing to you." I can't help but laugh, "Ben, ever since I came to Auradon I have not had one moment of peace, it is just one thing after another around here." I get off the ground and sit on the bench. "That is the way life is Heidi, it is always throwing you curve balls, all you can do is swing and hope you hit it out of the park." Ben sits down next to me, "Why was Shere Khan sent to the Isle of the doomed?" Ben looked at with a mixture of shock and confusion on his face, "How do you know of the Isle of the doomed, I have only heard tales of it." This catches me by surprise, "You didn't know about this?" Ben turns so his whole body is facing me, "Know about what Heidi?" I sigh before I start talking, "It turns out that your father and the rest of the original council spilt 7 villains from the rest and sent them to their own Isle, and I was wondering why they sent those 7?" Ben looks at me like I am speaking a different language, "I was not aware of any of this, but I swear to you I will get to the bottom of why those 7 were treated differently, and why everyone thought they were the worst of the worst." I place my hand over Ben's, "Why are you out here at night anyways, you have a huge day in just a few hours." Ben laughs his happy and joyous laugh, "I spoke to Evie, and she informed me the daughter of Anna and Kristoff, the daughter of Mowgil, the son and daughter of Jack and Sally Skellington, and the daughter of the Fates will be attending Auradon Prep next year." Those were some bug names being added to our school, but it is showing that every kid wants to attend here, and that is beyond great, "Ben, that is awesome, and I have to say since you started your reign as King, The next generation have been coming from all over the place." Ben half smiled and that catches my attention, "There is something else on your mind." Ben inclines hi head, "You are the best at reading people, but yes there is something else that I would like to discuss with you." I nod my head and give Ben my full attention, "You always speak very highly of me as a King, and always remind me that my motto is to give everyone a chance no matter who their parents are." I wasn't sure where this is going, "Talia Bell brought something very important to my attention the other day, she pointed out that her along with February and Margo are the only descendant from a fairy here in Auradon." I was not liking where I think this is going, "Ben, please tell me you are not thinking of reaching out to Pixie Hollow." Ben's eyes showed concern, "I know that some of the villains have had a bad past with the fairies but as Talia pointed out everyone seems okay with it now." Normally I wouldn't argue with Ben but this is something that I will fight tooth and nail about, "How many are we talking about here Ben?" He clears his throat, "I am going to offer and open enrollment to all those who want to come." I roll my eyes at Ben, "And I am guessing that nothing I say will change your mind." Ben shakes his head, "But as a favor to you and to all that have bad feelings towards the faires I will not offer till the beginning of the next school year." Those words made me feel a little bit better but not by much, I have resentment towards those winged little pesters, a lot of the people I use to hang around with were on the Isle because of them, but still I can't let that stop progress, people gave me a chance, and I will do the same to the newcomers, I will get to know them before I pass judgment on them. "You are the King Ben, I can't tell you what to do, but if you think this will bring Auradon closer to piece then I will back you up all the way." I hug Ben who returns the hug, "Evie also had a lot to say about my choice, but I could tell that she held back." I just shrug my shoulders, "Not everyone is like me and will tell you exactly what they think." Ben smiles and nods his head, "Which is why I value your input, you see me as a friend before the King." The sound of the bell ringing echoes all around us, "It is officially your wedding day." I say smiling at him, "I should get some sleep." Ben stands up and helps me up to my feet, "Heidi, I do still intend to find out everything there is to know about the what you told me about." The look in his eyes tells me that he won't stop till he gets the truth and nothing but the truth. "I have all the faith in the world in you my King." I bow to him and walk off. I walk into the boy's dorm and slowly make my way into Harry's room, once inside I crawl into bed with him as he immediately warps his arms around my waist, "Your late." Harry's deep raspy voice says, I roll over so I am facing him, "Just last minute wedding things, and Ben wanted to talk to me." The sound of Harry snoring tells me that he is already back to sleep, I kiss his lips and close my eyes awaiting the royal wedding now only hours away.

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