Chapter 23: Rumor Has it

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Harry's POV

"GET OFF ME HOT HEAD!" I yell shoving Hadie off me, "IS IT TRUE!" Hadie roars at me, I look at my confused on what exactly he is talking about, "Is what true? That you are an unstable exploitative psychopath?" Hadie scoffs at me, "Look who is calling the kettle black, pirate." An evil smile makes it way on to my face, "I will take that as a compliment." I fix my shirt and place my hook firmly in my hand, "Now you would either like to explain why you tried to attack me, or we can settle this here and now." Hadie's hands start to flame up, "I don't think it would be an even match, after all I am the son of the god, and you are just the son of a washed up old pirate." I step to Hadie and place my hook around his neck and dig into the side of his neck, "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY, IF YOU SAY ONE MORE WORD ABOUT, I WILL MAKE SURE THAT HEIDI IS HADES ONLY HEIR!" I could see the blood dripping down Hadie's neck, "You kill me and you will lose Heidi forever, and deep down in that nonexistent heart of yours you know that." Hadie smiles at me and pushes my hook further into his neck. I groan in anger and frustration pulling my hook out of him, "Why are you doing this, I have done nothing to you." I wipe the blood off my hook with my shirt, "I have heard rumors about you and my sister." Laughter erupts from me, and I can't control right now, "Why are you laughing, this is serious." Hadie said in a dark voice, but unlike others it didn't faze me at all, "That is why you are so bent out of shape, I didn't think Heidi and I dating was such a secret." Hadie balls up his flaming fist and connects with a wall, and making a giant hole in the wall, "THE RUMOR THAT HAS CAUGHT MY ATTENTION, IS THAT YOU HAVE KNOCKED UP MY LITTLE SISTER!" Hadie connects again with the wall, only this time the entire wall crumbles, my whole body tensed up for a moment but I shake it off a moment later. "If that were true, I think I would know." I play it off like I know nothing about what he is talking about, "So, it's not true?" I lean against the lockers and stare at Hadie. "No, I am telling to straight to your face, people are lying, they just want to stir up trouble and drama." Hadie relaxes a little bit and sits down on one of the benches, "Where did you hear that from anyways?" Whatever name leaves his lips I am going to deal with personally myself, "I overheard Chad Charming make jokes about it." This makes my blood boil to a point I didn't think possible, all I am seeing right now is nothing but pure red, "Chad Charming is a jerk, he is one of the most selfish people I have ever met, and that is saying a lot coming from me, Chad like to bully people, and most off he is arrogant and very egotistical." Hadie starts laughing, "You hit the nail on head with that one." I punch a locker myself and let out a breath, "He is only saying this because when Audrey dumped him he tried to get with Heidi, but Heidi being Heidi wouldn't give him the time of day." I could see that Hadie was calming down, "You have no idea what Heidi and I have been through." I sit down next to him, "Heidi has told me a lot of the stuff that went down back on the Isle." Hadie shakes his head at me, "She sugarcoated it for you, growing up all Heid and I had were each other, we might have had a small group of friends but deep down we relied on each other the most, I was kind of happy when she started to spend a lot time with you, I knew that you would keep her safe when I couldn't." Hadie slaps me on the back, "I will always be in your debut for saving my sister from drowning." I look at him puzzled, "How did you know about that?" Hadie smiles at me, "I have my ways." That is all Hadie said about it, "It was nothing, I know that if the roles were reversed Heidi would have done the same for me." Hadie laughs again and nods his head, "Yeah she would have, but the way I see it you both save each other when it really matters, neither of you let the other stray too far away." Hadie kind of has a point, the more I think about the more I notice that it is true, "Guess I never thought about it till now." I stand up and look at Hadie, "Just so you know I really love your sister, and I would never do anything to put her life in danger." Hadie stands up and looks at me in my eyes, "For your sake you better not." Hadie lifts is hand and the sudden feeling of absolute pain shot to my knees, "Because if you ever do." My knees give out and I fall on them looking up at Hadie, "I will make your pain eternal." Hadie smiles a smile that reminds of Hades and he walks out. Once he has left the pain leaves and I sit on the locker room floor not sure what happened, but I know that is the worst pain I have ever felt, and that was just in my knees, I shake my head of these thoughts and stand back up collecting myself, Once I feel back to my normal self I make my way out of the locker room and into the fencing area. 

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