Chapter 19: Like Father Like Son

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Heidi's POV

"Hadie, just calm down." I tried to calm him down but I could see that he was about to exploded, and just like dad use to, "YOU WALKED OUT ON US, YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO US IF WE WERE LEFT WITH OUR FATHER!" Hadie screamed but that was just the beginning. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT WAS LIKE WITHOUT YOU, WE BOTH THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD THERE FOR US WHEN WE NEEDED YOU! YOU WEREN'T AROUND WHEN HEIDI AND I HAD NO ONE TO COUNT ON BUT EACH OTHER, YOU WEREN'T THERE WHEN HEIDI AND I WOULD GET PUNISHED IN THE MOST HORRIBLE AND BRUTAL WAYS, AND EVERY DAY WE WOULD THINK THAT WHEN WE WOKE UP IN THE MORNING THAT YOU WOULD BE THERE TO MAKE IT BETTER!" Thelxinoe tried to speak but Hadie wouldn't let her, "IF YOU LOVED US LIKE YOU SAID YOU DO, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT US WITH SUCH A MONSTER, BUT NOW THAT YOU ARE IN FRONT ME, I CAN LOOK YOU IN THE EYES AND SAY THE ONE THING I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO SAY TO YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU WITH EVERY BREATH IN MY BODY, AND NOTHING YOU SAY OR DO WILL EVER MAKE ME THINK DIFFERENTLY!" Both Thelxinoe and I stand there not saying a word, after I am sure that Hadie had said what he wanted, I walk over to him wrapping my arms tightly around his waist, "We have a new family, with people who love and care about us, people who would go out of their way to help us, and that is the true meaning of family." Hadie said in a loud but calmer voice. Thelxinoe takes a deep breath, "I love you two so much, I thought that you both would always be taken care of and be loved, and it hurts my heart to hear that the two of you thought I never loved you, I dreaded every day that when you two got older that you would hate me, and that hurts me in places so deep, to think you both would feel like I just gave you two away, I am here to tell you both that isn't true." I unwrap my arms from around Hadie waist and turn towards my mother, "I cried almost every night just wishing I could see be with you, I would have gave anything to hold each of you, to kiss you, and no matter what happens or how either of you feel about me, you both will always be a part of me, you are my son and my daughter." I wipe a tear away from my eye now confused again on how to feel about her, "I carried you both for nine months, I gave birth to both of you, I was there for the first tooth, I watched both of you take your very first steps, I took care of you both the best I could, and those are things that you can't take from me." I felt something wet land my shoulder and as I look up I see a tear rolling down Hadie's cheek, "Not a day went by didn't want to just come to the Isle and give you both hugs and kisses and tell you that you mom loves you." My heart started to ache, the feelings I was letting come to the surface was becoming too over whelming. I feel Hadie take a step back but as I look over my shoulder I see him walk back the way we came. I wipe my face of the tears and run after the only real family member I have, "Hadie! Wait!" I yell and he stops dead in tracks causing me to collide into him, "I shouldn't have come, this was a mistake. And I should have listened to my inner voice." I stand back up on my feet and brush off the dirt off me, "Hadie, it's okay to feel the way you are, you have bottled up all these emotions and feelings for so long eventually is was going to come out." To anyone else it would look like Hadie was laughing but me being his sister knew that the real reason his body was shaking is because he was finally letting himself feel. Hadie falls to his knees and letting out a huge scream as he starts punching the ground, Thelxinoe was lucky that our powers didn't work here, otherwise this whole place would be up in flames by now. I kneel behind him and wrap my arms around his neck giving him all the love I could muster, "I love you big brother." I say resting my head on his back, "I love you too squirt." Hadie said wiping away the tears from his eyes. I am not sure long we stayed like that but I wasn't going to move until I knew Hadie was alright, finally I feel Hadie take a deep breath, "I need to get going, I saw her and I told her what I felt." I was going to ask him to stay but I know that he couldn't take anymore, Hadie has always stayed strong for me, he always felt like he couldn't show weakness, "I still need some answers, so I will see you later." Hadie nods his head and Fairy Godmother let him out. Once I Hadie vanishes into the forest I turn back around and head back my mother, "Hadie gone, and now you are going to tell me about what you were talking about earlier." Thelxinoe looks down at the ground, "Why did our father send you here and not let you on the Isle." I say taking a step towards her, "Your father banished me away because the day you all left for the Isle he found out that I had another child by another person, in other words Heidi, he found out about your half-sister." 

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