Chapter 47: The Ice Serpent

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Heidi's POV

Bursting out of the forest are roots and branches, knocking everyone out of their way. "What is this?" Roots bypass me and tightly wrap around Sienna, "How are you doing this?" Sienna asks looking at me, "Sienna, this is not me." a shadow figure appears behind me, "Heidi has nothing to do with what is happening, all she did was ask for help, and mother nature always provides help for those she knows is worthy of it." Gracie comes out of the shadows, "Who are you?" Sienna snarls, "MY name is Gracie, and I seem to be your down fall." As I look around I notice that Gracie is telling the truth, we have the upper hand now, but no one knows how to destroy the ice soldiers, "Gracie, you are amazing." Gracie incline her head, "I do what I can." It is that this moment I notice that someone is missing, "Where is Savannah?" Gracie sighs, "She is deep in the forest with Simone." I turn fully towards Gracie, "Savannah will kill Simone." Sienna starts laughing, "Savannah will take out anyone she feels is in her way, I am surprised that she didn't take me out when she had the chance." I turn my attention back to Sienna, "Call off this attack, you have lost." Sienna doesn't say a word, all she does is stare into my eyes, "You think that a little earth magic can stop me, ice is the earth's weakness." Just as Sienna finishes her statement Gracie falls to the ground, "Gracie are you okay?" I kneel beside her, "The forest is screaming for help." Gracie sounds like she is in agony, "What are you talking about?" I say not really sure on what Gracie is talking about. I look behind me to see the ice soldiers slicing off the roots and branches off them, "You can feel what is happing." I say to Gracie who can do nothing but nod her head, "Retract your powers Gracie." Gracie stretches her hands out and just like that roots retreated back into the ground, branches stopped moving, and Sienna is now free once again, "You were a fool to think that simple magic like yours could ever compare to the ultimate magic of mine." Sienna takes a step towards us, but a blast of ice hits the ground between us, "I think it's time to see just who has the better teacher." I know that voice anywhere, and out of nowhere I see Ella walking this way, "Your grievances are with me not them." The crystal inside Sienna's crown pluses again, "Your right, time to see who is the real Snow Queen." Ella places herself between Sienna and Gracie. Ella spins around releasing a blast of ice, but Sienna easily blocks it with a blast of her own, "You really think it would be that easy." Sienna sneers in a mocking tone, "I am just getting started." Ella runs towards Sienna and flips over her circling her arms encasing Sienna inside a block of ice, Ella lands on her feet and turns to the now frozen Sienna. Like a bolt of lightning the ice is shattered and starts flying everywhere, "Your magic isn't even close to my level." Sienna does some fancy move with her hands sending a light blue ball high into the sky, and that burst sending down ice rain. Me and Gracie quickly move out of the way just barely avoiding the dagger like rain, Ella on the other hand is able to form and ice shield around herself, "I HAVE HAD IT, I THINK IT'S TIME FOR ME TO PUT AN END TO THIS BATTLE ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Sienna spins around and around letting dark ice smoke surrounded her, and once she is fully engulfed in this smoke. Out of the smoke rises a serpent made completely of ice, and it's so tall it almost reaches the clouds, "Okay, I didn't see that coming." Ella says to herself taking a step back, the ice serpent turns it's pitch black eyes onto Ella roaring a mighty roar, and with one flick of its tail sends Ella flying through the sky, Ella falls to the ground far from us and not moving, "ELLA!" I scream trying to see if she is okay, but Ella doesn't answer. The ice serpent slithers slowly towards Gracie and I, her eyes zoning in on her next prey. I stand up in front of Gracie and form fore in my hands, "It's worth a shot." With those words and as quickly as I can I make a ring of fire around the two of us, "You really think this tiny ring of fire will be able to keep that gigantic beast away?" I sigh sadly and shake my head, "It might buy us some time, but now long I'm afraid." Gracie and I are suddenly in the shadow of the ice serpent. With fear in both our eyes we await to see what exactly the serpent will do, and my fear starts to unfold before my eyes, the serpent breaths a large breath of ice, putting out the ring of fire around us, "Gracie, go and make sure that Ella is okay." I don't look at her, I keep my gaze locked with the serpent, "Are you crazy, that thing will kill you." I turn my head around to look at her, "I can handle this, now go." Gracie nods her head and runs off deep into the forest. I turn my attention back to the serpent in front of me, "This is your chance, you want to hurt the people of Auradon, start with me." The Serpent moves side to side, almost like it is thinking of what it should do, "Well come on, you have gone this far, why stop now?" I say provoking the mighty beast, and just like that the serpent stops moving, leans back, and sets to strike. I suddenly have to cover my ears, the loudest roar I have ever heard erupts from the sky, I look up to see a large light green and purple dragon soaring through the clouds. "Looks like Evie finally delivered my message."

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