Chapter 49: My Pirate

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Heidi's POV

Once everyone is sure that Sienna is gone, we all take a much need breath, "Is everyone okay?" I hear Ben ask turning to the rest of us, "If you mean if we are all alive, yes everyone is alive." Gordon gripes under his breath, "That is best news I have heard all day." Ben hunches over and breaths deeply. I turn around to see Harry still behind me, "Are you okay?" I ask him checking him over for any type of injury, "I am fine love." I slap him upside his head, "What was that for?" Harry asks rubbing his head, "That for using yourself as a human shield, and almost leaving me a single mother you inconsiderate jerk." Harry laughs taking a step away from me, "I willing give up my life for you and all I get is a slap on the head?" I start playfully hitting him, "You could have died, were you even thinking about that?" Harry gets his laughter under control and looks deep into my eyes, "The only think that was running through my mind at the moment was protecting you and that baby, I would have rather died then have anything happen to the two most important people in my life." I warp my arms around his waist tightly, "Don't you ever do that again." Harry places his chin on my head placing his arms around my shoulders, "I am sorry that I scared you love." He tilts my head up and places a soft kiss on my lips, the smell of rum lingering on his lips, "This isn't over, if Sienna warning is true, then everything we have been through these last year, is nothing compared to what is coming in the future." I pull out of the kiss and just take in every feature of Harry's face, almost like I am trying to freeze him in this moment forever. "No one know what the future holds love, we will just have to wait and see." I am snapped out of my moment with Harry by the sound of a very loud groan, "Yeah I'm fine, no need to worry about me." I hear a sarcastic Ella comment making it to her feet. I pull out of Harry's embrace and run over to her hugging as tightly as I can, "Heidi, I love you too, but I really need to breath." I release her from my grip, "Ella you were so brave to battle Sienna like you did." Ella smiles at me fixing her outfit, "That is the second time I have saved you." Ella has a point, the first time was sometime late last year when she saved me and Ally from the order of chaos, and now she saved me and Gracie from Sienna. "You are like my personal superhero." Ella is embraced by my brother who spins her around as he is hugging her, "Nice to see you missed me." Hadie places Ella back on her feet, "I am so sorry about not protecting you Ella." Ella looks sweetly at Hadie, "You had your own job to do, I just did what I thought my mother would do in that situation." I have to say that Ella has come a long way, she is no longer that frightened little girl that showed up her scared to get close to anyone, and was even more scared of powers. "You were awesome, you stood toe to toe with Sienna, and I think you would have beaten here if she didn't turn into that monstrosity." Ella winches in pain, "I need to lay down, my whole body is nothing more than one huge pain." Hadie nods his head scooping Ella into his arms and starts heading towards the campus. Once the two of them are out of sight I turn back around to see Ben, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Mal all talking with each other, I walk up to the group and right up to Mal, "I have you to thank for saving my life also." I hug Mal who is shocked at first but eventually hugs me back, "It was your message that helped us figure out how to destroy the ice army from hell." I pull out of my hug with Mal, "True, but I wasn't the one who turned into a dragon and whooped Sienna's butt so bad that she fled." Mal rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders, "I guess I was kind of a super badass." I nod my head agreeing with her, "We should head back, I am sure that all the adults want to know about what happened, and I think we should tell them all about what Sienna said." Evie spoke up, "I think that is best, and maybe they can help us decipher the message." Carlos says picking Dude up into his arms, "You all go head, I think I just need a moment." Ben says, and the tone in voice makes me worry a little bit. "Are you sure, I can stay here with you." Mal says turning her attention to Ben, guess Mal picked up on what I also picked up on, "You are the Queen, one of us has to be there, and I just need some time to myself." Mal kisses his lips before the 4 of them walk off and head back to campus. Everyone has left, everyone that is except Ben and I, "Heidi, you should go with the others, I am sure that you need to get checked out." Instead of walking away I walk closer to Ben, "You have always been there when I needed someone, I think it's time that I repay the favor." I don't let Ben get another word out, I give him a huge hug, one that Ben returns seconds later, "It's alright Ben, everyone is safe, no one blames you." I hear Ben start to whimper and sniffle, "No one is around to judge you." I just stand there as Ben lets out everything I am sure that he has been bottling up for a long time. 

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