Chapter 10: Fatherhood

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Harry's POV

I hear Ben close the door but I am still in shock of that I did, I hurt Heidi, I hurt the woman that I would die for, I could have hurt or done worse to that child growing in her stomach. The sound of Ben clearing his throat brought me out of my thoughts, "I promised Heid that we would be civil." I can tell by the look in Ben eyes that he wanted to punch me till I hurt like how I made Heidi hurt, "I don't why I let my anger get the best of me sometimes." I say stand back up, Ben lets out a breath of air, "If anyone knows about letting anger get the best of you, it's my father and I." I look at Ben bewildered, "Ye father I understand your father, by you not so much." Ben let's out a laugh, "I have lost my tempter with people, and even sometimes Mal." I look at my hook and I can feel anger welling up inside me again, "I guess anger is just an everyday emotion back on the isle, so you kind of get use to feeling it." I say taking a deep breath and letting it out, "Harry, I can't even begin to think of all the different emotions you are feeling and all the thoughts you are thinking, but maybe it would be for the best if you talked about them." Even though I have been in Auradon for a while now, I don't think I will ever get use to listing to Ben's advice. "Ben, I just want to be alone, I have a lot to process and I am not even sure where to start." Ben sat down on the end of his desk, "Heidi was only trying to protect you for as long as she could, her not telling you right away wasn't her being evil or cruel, it was her way of dealing with it before she told you." Ben spoke not in his kingly voice but in a voice, that made him sound like he cares about me and what I do, which is odd because I never really talked to Ben. "She still should have told me." Ben looks me like he looking for something, "Harry why am I getting the feeling that this has less to do with Heidi lying to you and more with your father Captain Hook." The anger and rage took over again and I swung at Ben, "DON'T YOU EVER MENTION MY FATHER!" I shoulder tackle Ben and the two of us tumble over his desk, I start throwing lefts and right at Ben trying to hit him in his pretty little face, but Ben was taught well and he knew how to cover himself, suddenly Ben kicks my off of him, "You really want to do this?" Ben asks making it back to his feet, I make it back to my feet and smirk at Ben, "For a king, I thought you would fight more like man instead of a girl." I can see that my words struck a chord with Ben, "It is not my fault that your father treated you so badly, and that is the reason that you are scared of becoming a father, you are scared that you will treat that baby the same way your father treated you." I roll my neck, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, I AM HARRY HOOK, AND I FEAR NOTHING!" I yell at Ben, but Ben didn't seem phased, "I know that you don't like to show weakness, and as I man I can understand that, but Harry you need to go of the past, you are not your father, you will be a great dad, and if you or Heidi need help, there are a ton of people that would help you two out." I try to ignore his words but for some reason I can't, "I can't be a father, I will not be good at it, the way I was raised is something that I wouldn't wish on any kid, especially my own." I slam my fist into the bookcase, "You have no idea what it is going to be like when my kid asks me about where he comes from, why some of the kids treat him differently, and who Heidi and my families are." Ben's eyes fall to the floor, "Your son will be the first of a whole new generation, as for telling who his families are, the people of Auradon are his family, he will be raised here, go to school in here, make friends in here, and live his life out here." I know that Ben is trying to help, but he doesn't make the fears go away, and I know that one day I will have to look my kid in the eyes and tell him that his whole life has been a lie, and that he isn't supposed to be from here. "But as his father it will be on me to take care of him, to make sure that he has everything he needs, to show him what it means to be a man." I look up at Ben who starts laughing, "Harry, you are one of the manliest man that I have ever met, if that child is anything like you, I grantee that he will turn out alright." I nod my head still convinced that he is right, "I think I need to go and just get some air." Ben nods his head and I pick up my books that I dropped and head out to the place that I go when I need to get away.

Heidi's POV

I make my way into the guy's dorm room and head to the second-floor saying hi to all the people that I knew, I stop at the dorm door at the very end of the hall, I knock softly and seconds later the door opens to revel a guy who is shirtless showing off his abs, he is wearing black sweatpants with the Auradon school logo on the right side with the words Auradon going down the leg, "I need to talk to you Paul." Paul could see that I was about to break down and he nods his head and steps aside letting me walk into his dorm room as he closed the door behind me. 

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