Chapter 26: Reaction From The Girls

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Heidi's POV

Both Evie and Mal haven't said a word, "Is it Harry's?" I hear Evie ask, I pull out of my hug with Lonnie and turn my attention to Evie, "Of course it is, Harry is the only guy I have been with." Evie stands up and her eyes never leave mine, "You think you are ready for what people will say, or even worse what everyone is going to think?" I am very surprised that Evie is acting this way, "People are going to want that child sent to the Isle, this will give them all an excuse to throw us back on the miserable hunk of rock." Evie throws her hairbrush smashing a mirror, "You know smashing a mirror is considered bad luck." Jane says and I can tell that is trying to ease the tension between Evie and I, "I don't care anymore what people will think or say about me, I wouldn't trade what happened to me for anything in the world, and as for our baby, Ben has sworn that this kid will live its life here in Auradon, if anyone has a problem with that they can take it up with the king." I shot back at her, "How could you have brought Ben into all of this, The people of the Isle already hate him, and he has enough to do as King, he doesn't need you distracting him." Evie takes a step closer to me, "Ben was more than happy to help me, and I thought as my friend you would be happy for me, not making me feel like something on the bottom of your shoe." Evie and I are now nose to nose and each of us have no intention of backing down, "Enough you two, the two of you are friends." Mal says as she gets in between us, "Heidi, I think Evie is just voicing her concerns about how much this changes thing for everyone involved, and I am sure that in time Evie will come around and see that this baby is special, not just because of the parents, but because that baby is the first of a whole new generation." Evie looks to the ground, "A new chance for everyone to see that change is coming, and soon maybe even a reason to bring down the barrier once and for all." I have to say that I no longer look at Mal as the young girl from the Isle anymore, the person standing in front of me is a woman, the future Queen, and with Ben and Mal ruling everything Mal just said might just be possible. "The was very Queen like Mal." I say and everyone nods their heads agreeing with me, "I just thought what Ben might do." Mal turns her attention from me to Evie, "You are my best friend, and I know you better than I know myself sometimes." Evie smiles at Mal, "Heidi did not ask for this to happen, and it is not right to blame that innocent baby for anything." Evie is about to say something but Mal cuts her off, "If Ben said that the baby will have his protection then it will, and you must respect that, he is the King, and without him none of us would be here." Evie nods her head and turns to face me, "Heidi, I am sorry, I can't imagine what you are going through, the only reason I lashed out is because I will do anything to stay here in Auradon, and for some reason I have this overwhelming fear of Ben sending us back to the Isle." As Evie spoke I hear her voice crack, I forget all the negative feelings I had towards her and wrap my arms around her giving her a hug, "Evie I understand, I have that same fear, but Ben cares for you, and he values your option and your counsel." Evie hugs me back, "If Ben was going to send you back he wouldn't have made you the voice for the Isle." Evie and I pull out of our hug, "Friends?" Evie asks, I don't have to think about my answer, "Always." I say while Evie and I laugh at each other wiping the tears out of our eyes, "Can I have a word with Heidi alone please." Mal says out of the blue, "Me?" I point to myself, Mal nods her head, "We will see you two later then." Evie says as Lonnie, Jane, and herself walk out of the room closing the door behind her. "Am I in trouble?" I joke which gets Mal to laugh a little, "No, but there is something that I need your outlook on." I sit down in one of chairs, "If I can be any help sure, I will give you the best piece of advice I can Mal." Mal starts pacing around the room, "Ever since Ben proposed to me, I have had this strange feeling that I can't for the life of me get rid of." Judging by the way Mal is talking I am predicting that she has put a lot of thought into this, "I have never felt this way, I typically can just push off any emotion I see fit, but the closer the wedding gets the more I just want to run and got back to my old life." I stand up and place my hands on each of her shoulders stopping her from pacing, "Mal, what are you trying to say?" Mal's eyes filled with worry and a lot of anxiety, "I don't think I can marry Ben." I am not sure that the look on my face showed, but all I am thinking is that Mal has lost her mind, "What do you mean? You love Ben, and you have been so happy lately." I sit Mal down in a chair, "If I get married tomorrow, that would mean I would be Queen." As soon as those words left Mal's lips I knew exactly what this was about.   

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