Chapter 43: The First Snow Falls

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Sienna's POV

My throne doors aresuddenly swung open and Adam runs into the room and stops at the bottom of the staircase,"Mistress, I have just received word that snow falls in Auradon." I stand upadjusting my dress, "Are you sure, you need to be absolutely sure Adam." Adaminclines his head, "I swear to you my Queen, true and pure snow falls." I makemy way down the steps and walk right past Adam, "Is Savannah aware of this?" Iask standing in front of the door that holds my unstoppable army, "Yes, she andher hyena friends are on their way here now." I wave my hands to the door as myice magic opens the doors for me, "Men of the Kingdom of Lost Summer, the timeis at hand for you to fulfill your duties to me, and lay down your swords onceand for all." Every one of those soldiers got down on one knee, "We are yoursto commanded my lady." Says the leader of the soldiers, "Some of you might not return,but your death will not be for nothing, it is time that I take my rightfulplace on the throne." I walk out of the room and up to the magic orb sitting ona pedestal in the middle of the throne room, "It's time to release the fullforce of my kingdom, "My Queen, you know what will happen if that orb is everbroken." Adam cowards, "Legend says that is orb contains all my mother'soriginal power, and if I am going to take over Auradon I am going to need magicthat is beyond my skill set." I take the orb into my hands, and with one finallook into it, I throw it to the ground. The sound of the orb smashing is like someonescreeching for help as loud as the can. Suddenly what I can only guess is dark icestarts to form around me, "It worked, I knew that my mother wouldn't let medown." A fiendish laugh erupts from within me as I close my eyes letting eachtiny piece of dark ice fusions within my ver soul, becoming part of me. I openmy eyes to see that I am no longer wearing my pure white dress anymore, insteadI am now wearing a dark sliver dress with an ice design wrapping around it, andmy crown in now solid sliver with an ice crystal in the middle of it, "I lookbeautiful." I spin around letting the dress spin with me, "Adam, I finally haveeverything I need to have all my dreams come true." Adam looks at me with oddeyes taking in my new appearance, "I am just afraid of what you might have releasedmy Queen, your mother devoted her life to making sure that she was no forgotten."I roll my eyes and ignore his words, "How do you feel my Queen?" Adam asks onceeverything seems back to normal, "I feel more powerful that I have ever felt."I lift my hands to the sky, the ice palace starts to shake, and pieces of theroof start crumpling falling to the ground, "I can do anything with just athought." The doors open again revealing Savannah and her allies, "Starting theparty without us I see." I turn my attention to my so-called friends, "Everythingis going as planned, Ben and his little band of pesky ingrates will have nochoice but to bow before me." Savannah rolls her eyes, "Just make sure thatonce you are Queen that you break the barrier once and for all." I aim my icemagic at my throne, the burst of power erupts from me, and everything in frontof my shatters like glass, "I think I can get use to this." I roll my neck andsmile, "Do we all know that plan?" I ask turning to everyone in the room, "Wego to Auradon, whoop everyone, and take over." Savannah's sarcastic tone ringsin my ears, "Savannah, are you sure that you can handle this, I don't have anyroom for mistakes." Savannah scoffs at me with major attuited, "Listen uppopsicle, I have just as much to lose as you do, and I am not about to let youor anyone stop me from escaping the hell known the Isle, I have much biggerplaces to go, and much more important people to kill." Savannah moves just likeher father would, I can so much Scar inside of Savannah, and that makes mewonder just how much I can trust her. "You and the hyenas will deal with theextras I am sure that Ben will have, as for me and my army, we will focus ontaking out King Ben and his more loyal friends." Savannah takes out her swordsand starts running her nails along the sharp blade, "I will do my part to the letter,just make sure that you nor your north pole rejects get in my way." The passageway door opens and out walk the army, "This is just the first day of years tocome, on this day I do what no one has ever done before, today is the day thatwe all put an end to the so-called King, and put all those heroes in theirplace once and for all." Everyone cheers rising their weapons, "We will not betaken in by his kind words, we all will go out on our swords if we must!" I turnmy back to everyone and look out the sun is just starting to set, and I can seesnow starting to cover the tops of the castles. "I will have my happily everafter, even if it means killing every last person in all of Auradon." I say tomyself. I rise my hands again engulfing everyone in the room with me as we allhead towards Auradon.     

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