Chapter 45: Battle of Queen's and Loins

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Heidi's POV

Like an explosion everyone collides, I slide underneath one of the ice soldiers, "HEIDI!" I turn to where my name is being called, Ben throws a sword my way, catching it I swing it around me fighting off any soldiers behind me, the sound of the blade hitting another catches my full attention, it was not a soldier in front of me it was a man, "The name is Adam." He said with a cocky grin, "You should put that sword down sweetheart, before you go and hurt yourself." Adam swings his sword around his head and thrust it me, I side step the blade just inches away from me, I take flip backwards landing only a few feet away from him, "I think I can manage just fine." Adam bows a little and runs at me, over and over again Adam and I spar, the sound of our blades clashing against one another, and at this point Adam has the upper hand making me back up more and more. I raise my sword for another block only this time I twirl around him and start doing exactly what he was just doing to me, Adam is blocking every swish and slice of my sword, and right as Adam blocks one of my advances I grab his arm, "I am not that impressed." Adam slams the hilt of the sword right on my shoulder, "I feel the same way." I kick him his gut making groan and stumble back a little. I have no time to recover because in a blink of an eye Adam is back on the attack, I do my best to dodge and evade his moves, but whoever taught Adam how to use a sword was a good teacher. I block one of his attacks, which leads Adam to elbow me in the face knocking back on the ground, "You failed you teacher." Adam swings his sword in his hand and plunges the blade right for my heart. Given my acrobatic training I swing my legs around catching the blade with my heels, "I was taught by the very best for your information." I grab the sword up ramming the bottom of the sword into Adam's face. I kip up back to my feet picking up my sword, "Now, where were we?" I front flip in front of him and our swords start to clash again, but this time I back myself up against a tree, and right Adam think he has me right where he wants me I run up the tree backwards and flip over Adam swing my sword at him. I land perfectly on my feet with the sound of metal shattering is heard behind me, I turn to Adam only to see his sword has been broken, "Cheap metal." I walk up to Adam forearming him in the face rendering his unconscious, "Welcome to the 21st century." Out of the blue I am kicked far away from Adam, my body hits the ground hard, pain shoots through every bone in my body, and as I look over to see who kicked me, I see that it was one of Sienna's soldiers armed with a spear in his hand, "Okay ice cube, let's see what you got." The soldier charges at me, I quickly block his attacks with the spear, both of us are trying to outsmart the other, and you would think it would be easy to be smarter than a hunk of ice. The soldier catches me off guard with a sudden back kick stumbling me but I remind on my feet, that is until the sudden back hand sending me to the ground, and I block the soldiers spear that is now above my head like the blade at an execution. I push the spear back and manage to roll out of the way right as the spear strikes the ground I swing my legs and bring myself back to my feet, "Tougher then you look." I kick my sword off the ground and into my hand, I make my way to the soldier weaving my sword around me, and right as I am about it gab my sword into his unknown heart, the soldier pulls his spear out of the ground and blocks the blade. I sigh and slash my sword underneath the spear breaking it into two, I take a deep breath and when I open my eyes the sword is suddenly infused with fire, "Time to send you back to the frozen hell you came from." I kick his hand away from the broken spear switching hand with my sword, and I penetrate my sword right through where his heart should be, the sound of his roar shakes the trees, and suddenly he disappears with only a puddle of water left from where he stood, "Fire is their weakness." I say to myself, and I have to tell the others. I turn around and start running towards the others, but as I take in what is going on around me I see that we are losing badly. I finally catch a glimpse of Evie and Mal, the two are battling ice soldiers, I start twirling and maneuvering my way across the battle field, clashing my swords with other soldiers, I am stopped by an ice soldier blocking my path, "Do you mind? I have something every important to tell my friends." The soldier just takes out his sword and raises it high above his head, "Okay, looks we are going to have to do this the hard way." I spin my sword in my head, but the next thing I know the soldier blasted a few feet away from me by ice magic, "Nice to see that even through your pregnant, you haven't lost your fearlessness." Ella runs up to me, "You are amazing Ella, now go help the others, I need to talk to Mal." Ella nods her head and runs off to the help. I take a deep breath, but the breath is suddenly focused out of me by something tackling me to the ground, I let out a huge painful breath, "Looks like I am having princess for supper." Standing over me is one of the spotted hyenas, it opens its mouth showing off its sharp fangs capable of shredding human flesh, in that second it lunges at me.

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