Chapter 35: Aftershock

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Heidi's POV

Once we are sure that Sienna and Savannah are gone everyone takes a breath a relief, Ben rushes towards his mom to make sure that she was okay after the attempt by Sienna, "Mom are you okay?" Ben asks looking over his mom, Belle smiles at him, "I am fine sweetie." Belle places her hand on Ben's cheek and kisses his cheek, "You were very brave, and I couldn't be more proud of you." Ben smiles a weak smile, I couldn't imagine what he is going through his mind right now, this was supposed to be the happiest day of his life and it turn out the complete opposite, "This shouldn't have happened in the first place, maybe I should have never declared my law about the villains coming here." My eyes go wide as I turn to Mal who I am thankful didn't hear him say that. Belle catches the look on my face, "Ben, don't you ever say that, think of things and the people you would have never met if you didn't, especially your beautiful wife." Ben looks over his shoulder and smiles a bright smile as his eyes find Mal, "I will never regret asking her to come here." Belle smiles seeing just how much Ben is in love with Mal, "It was a beautiful wedding, up until our crashers showed up." Belle commented and Ben nods his head agreeing with her, "I still don't know how those two got through the barrier and no one else did." Ben wasn't the only one that is wondering the very same thing, "I am not sure honey, but you need to look into it right away, as King it is your duty to protect the people of Auradon." I suddenly remember why Belle was never effect by Sienna's ice magic, I walk away from the others and up to the hero of the day, my brother, "Nice job protecting the former Queen big brother." Hadie waves it off acting like it was no big deal, "Everyone is making a big deal out if, I just did what no one else could do, I mean not many people here can combat ice magic." Hadie had a point, and as far as I know only him and I possess the ability to control fire, "I guess being the children of the god of the underworld finally came in handy." Hadie lets out a very loud laugh that echoes through the church, "Guess you have a point there." I take a deep breath and let it out, "I need to tell you something that effects both of us." Hadie stops laughing and looks at me, "What's wrong?" I wrap my arms around myself, "After you storm off and left me with our mother, she told me something I think you need to hear." Hadie's hair starts flaming, "I want nothing to do with her, as far as I am concerned my mother died a long time ago." I grip his hand, "Please calm down, I don't think you want to set this whole place a blaze, do you?" Hadie takes a deep breath, and just like that his hair is back to normal, "Good job." It is now that I see what really helped him get calm down so fast, Ella is standing next to him with their hands laced together, "I see that Ella is having a positive effect on you." Hadie rolls his eyes, "Kind of the effect you have Harry." I give him a look and stick out my tongue at him, "Dad I need to know about the Isle of the doomed." I heard Ben say to Beast, I walk away from my brother and step beside Ben, "There is nothing to know son, it is just a legend." I couldn't understand why Beast would lie, "I have on good sources that isn't just legend, in fact it is a real place and that has really bad people there." Beast takes off his glasses and starts cleaning them, "If I am going to be a good king I need to know about everyone who lives within my kingdom." Beast places his glasses back on his face, "The council and I thought it was best to place certain people somewhere else." Ben looks at his father with shock and anger, "How many are on the other Isle dad?" Belle places her hand on Beasts nodding her head, "I think it's time for you to tell him the truth." Ben looks between both his parents, "What truth, what are you two not telling me?" Beast clears his throat, "Now it is not the time for this son, it's your wedding day, you should be enjoying it, and not worrying about this." I can't help but lose a little respect for Beast, "I want to know now!" Ben roars at his father, this causes Mal to walk over to us and place herself between Ben and Beast, "Please don't do this, not on our day." Ben takes his dark gaze off his father and turns it on Mal, but as soon as their eyes met his gaze softens and goes back normal, "I demand to know everything tomorrow morning." Ben says in his kingly voice, "I swear son I will answer all your questions then." Ben nods his head and turns to everyone else in the church, "I think we have a reception to get too." With that said everyone starts leaving the church, "I will catch up, I need to see Harry." Mal nods her head as Ben takes her hand and walks off. I see Harry walking towards me and I run into his open arms hugging him as tightly as I can, "It's okay love, I am right here, and I am not going anywhere." Harry wraps his arms around making me feel safe, "We should head to the party, you are one of bridesmaids after all." I nod my head and the two of us walk out of the church and head to the reception. 

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