Chapter 18: Nothing Like I Thought

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Heidi's POV

"Heidi, wait up!" I hear Hadie yell as he comes close to me, "Hadie?" The woman speaks and my brother looks back at her, "Are you Thelxinoe?" Hadie asks with acid already in his voice, "Yes I am, I can't believe just how grown up you two are." Thelxinoe steps off the rock and walks across the shallow water and up to my brother and I, "I am sure that you have a lot of questions." I nod my head nor really sure on what to say, I can feel Hadie wrap his arms around my shoulders, "Your damn right we have questions, and you can start with on how you and our dad happened." Hadie barks at our mom, Thelxinoe takes a deep breath, "Judging from your attuited I am predicting that your father never told you anything about me, or about us." I shake my head, "No, he wouldn't even mention your name, and when we asked him about you he would just punish us." I say speaking up for the first time, "You father always did have the worst tempter, and from what I hear you both have inherited that from him." I look up at her in shock, "Who told you that?" I ask stepping closer to my mom, "Ben comes by every now and then and fills me in on you two." This comes to a complete surprise to me, "Wonder why he didn't tell us about you sooner?" I ask but my mom just sighs, "Because I asked him not to, I figured that you two have enough on your plate without having me distracting you." I hear Hadie scoff behind me, "And now out of the blue you just think that it's time for us to meet?" I look deep into my mother's eyes, "Mom, please tell us why you ended up here, what happened with dad and you?" Thelxinoe takes a deep breath then look at Hadie and I, "It started when my mother helped your Uncle Poseidon." I was quick to cut her off, "Helped him, what do you mean?" A smile forms on her lips, "My mother was one of Poseidon's many sirens." I don't know just how big my eyes got, "Your mother was a siren?" Thelxinoe nods her head, "And so am I, that is one of reasons why I was trapped here." I felt like my brain was going to explode, "Are Hadie and I-part siren?" Thelxinoe looks over her shoulder, "The siren genetic is only passed down to the girls, so Heid you are part siren, but Hadie is all your father." The sound in her voice made it sound like Hadie got the worst end of the deal. "Your Uncle and I got close and started seeing each other, and the closer we got the more we got involved." I unwrap Hadie's arms from around my shoulders, "That doesn't explain on how you and our father got together and why you two has us!" I could tell that I am letting my anger get the best of me, "Years had gone by and your Uncle and I were still involved but I didn't think we were that involved, as the years went by I found myself developing feelings for someone else." I knew who she was talking about before she even said it, "You mean you started liking dad?" Thelxinoe nods her head again, "Yes, so your father and I decided to keep our relationship a secret, and as you can guess along the way I had the two of you and that changed everything, I eventually told your Uncle about your father and I, Poseidon banished me from his sigh forever." I felt a little bad for her but she did kind of bring all of it on herself, "Then what happened?" I asked wanting to hear the rest of the story, "We all lived together for a long time, we acted like what I guess is considered a real family." I couldn't help the question that escaped my lips, "What was dad like before the Isle?" Thelxinoe eyes turned sad, "Your dad was the same, I was just around to protect you from his wrath, but that all changed when he got banished to the Isle." I could tell by the crack in her voice that this was something hard to talk about, "I wanted to come with you but Hades said that if I came he would make every day even worse than the last, I thought I was making the right choice." Thelxinoe looks from me to Hadie, "I thought dad loved you, why would not want you with us?" Tears falls from Thelxinoe eyes, "Because the day you all went to the Isle, your father found out something that I thought I would go to grave with." This catches my attention, "What could he have found out that was so bad that he would have never wanted you around?" Thelxinoe tries to reach for my but I step out of reach, "The reason your father punished you and your brother so badly is because of me, he wanted to erase me from his life." She is trying to change the subject but I am too smart to fall for that, "Tell me what he knew." I step so I am not face to face with her, "I have always protected you two, and I can see by looking at the two of you that I failed, but you two aren't the only two I failed to protect." Thelxinoe turns away from us, "What are you trying to say, what do you mean we aren't the only one you failed." I am determined to get answers, and I won't leave till I get them, "I love you and I love your brother, but there are something that are better unsaid." Right as I am about to say something I hear Hadie speak for the first time since we got here, "SHUT UP! YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH, AND IT IS MY TURN TO TELL YOU HOW I REALLY FEEL!" Hadie roars, and I know that Hadie is about to let out all the anger that he had buried for years.

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