The Fall (1/2) - R

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Silver the Hedgehog levitated surrounded by a light-blue aura, above a desert which had already swallowed half of the city seen on the horizon. He looked at his glove where the Genesis Portal radar was.

A blue circle on the back of his hand shone, forming a holographic display. A red dot was slowly blinking next to a cross that indicated Silver's current position relative to the portal's coordination. He deactivated the radar with his telekinetic powers and frowned.

This was probably the two hundredth vortex already, and from the looks of it, it wasn't the last one either. It was a daunting task, but it had to be done, and he didn't intend to quit anytime soon.

Closing them was one of the reasons Silver traveled through dimensions. Making sure no unfortunate person would be transported into Space or a world full of flames. The second reason was that he was the only one capable of closing them while he had the power to defend himself.

It was a truth he would have rather not learned, but his friend, Professor Von Schlemmer, convinced him to take this quest upon his shoulders. The silver psychic sighed, sitting cross-legged in mid-air as he rested his head on his hand.

Their small adventure was still fresh in his memories. The chance meeting they shared brought them to a portal under their feet. Shadowy arms inhabiting the vast space they fell into tried to drag them down. Adrenaline filled Silver's brain and kicked his telekinetic powers into overdrive.

Thanks to Silver's quick action they escaped back to their dimension and time and, as if acting on instinct, the silver hedgehog enveloped the portal with his power, forcing it to close. It drained him physically, but they were safe.

Dr. Von Schlemmer was enthusiastic when he witnessed the solution in closing portals he was searching for was right in front of his eyes. He literally kidnapped Silver and...

Silver shook his head. 'Ugh,' he groaned in his mind.

What followed after was the biggest adventure he had experienced so far. He would rather be minding his own business in his own timeline. However, he couldn't ignore he was probably the only hope the different dimensions had. Leaving the Genesis Portals opened would only lead to a disaster of multi-dimensional proportions.

In other words, he couldn't refuse.

The silence was disrupted by chirping sound, announcing the opening of the trans-dimensional rift. The space under the silver hedgehog wavered as purplish, swirling energy formed right in front of his amber eyes.

He looked at the space crack and sighed. It was time to work. He raised his arms. His palms engulfed by a flickering, bluish aura that slowly moved towards the portal, enclosing it.

'Alright, time to close this up before someone runs thr--'

The closing process was suddenly interrupted by a creature of black and red, jumping out off the portal. It had a build like Silver. The coughing sounds the psychic heard told him it wasn't expecting to land on the sand.

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