The Imprisonment (1/3) - r

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Silver's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously jerked with his fingers. His brain was sluggish, unable to command his limbs, so he concentrated on his breathing, feeling a yawn escaping out. He slowly lifted his hand, rubbing the drowsiness out of his eyes. The pointy ears pricked, not hearing anything particular or familiar.

His brain accepted the fact he was sitting, so he leaned forward, hitting with forehead some smooth surface. "Ouch," he muttered realizing one annoying fact. "My head... it feels like my headache has a headache," he mumbled, finally squinting. Once more he rubbed his eyes, opening them and squinting in front of himself. "A glass?"

"Done with your beauty sleep?" asked annoyed Shadow.

"My what...?" The young psychic looked his way. The other hedgehog was standing, leaning inside of a glass tube with a pedestal. The younger hedgehog winked, turning his head around at least comprehending the situation, not even noticing his own coffee face.

He slowly stood up as he felt there were pins and needles in his legs, making the simple process quite unstable and painful. The room around them looked like a laboratory built inside a gigantic stomach. There were cables of different thickness, running from their pedestals along the ground ending in the meaty walls. He noticed some pipes as well, but his interest was laying on the strange gel-cocoons that were positioned across the walls. He just hoped nothing would hatch from them.

"How did we get here? Where are we?" the psychic asked. Weren't they in a bunker just a few minutes ago? And how long they were here?

Shadow snorted being clearly annoyed, but he still replied, "Welcome aboard Black Comet, genius," his voice was sarcastic. However, the biggest part of his annoyance was directed at himself. How could he overlook the possibility of Black Doom contacting Eclipse? 'I should have killed him,' he cursed in his mind. Now was too late for it. He tucked his head between shoulders trying to think of a way out.

"So what now?" Silver touched the cold surface of the tube. "Can you break this glass?" He was feeling down, knowing this was mostly his mistake. If he paid more attention, they might not end up in Black Arms' clutches.

"No, Eclipse is blocking my Chaos Control, and my raw strength can't put a dent in it. What about your psychic abilities?" There was still hope in that.

"I feel pretty wonky, but give me a couple of minutes, and I'm ready to go." He tried to sound confident but the headache wasn't going away, so he pressed his temples to speed his recovery.

Suddenly, the opposite wall spread out creating an oval opening.

"I don't think we can afford such luxury," Shadow frowned, growling towards the coming figures. "What did we do to be honored by your ugliness?" asked the black hedgehog sarcastically as Black Doom and Eclipse came closer.

"I see you are still impudent just like your version in this universe," replied the leader of the man-eating aliens.

The young time-traveling hedgehog shivered, pressing his back against the glass. If he thought the others were scary, this one was absolutely creepy.

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