The Fall (2/2) - r

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While Shadow was thinking about his discovery, Eclipse was still in Silver's company. The alien was unable to determine who this fella was. Once Silver harvested the red fruit plant, the alien was sure, no, he had a hunch, he might be looking at Black Arm, Darkling just like him.

But if that was true, why did he have the wrong skin color? Why was he furred and not scaly? Was he created like him? His creator Black Death hadn't told him about anybody else. He alone was the ultimate answer to their ultimate problem.

The alien decided to take the first step in revealing this mystery. "Silver, where are we?" he asked, not really caring, but he wanted to start a conversation to find out more about this peculiar lifeform.

"To be honest, I have no idea either." The psychic looked around, putting the last bite of his fruit in his mouth. "This place was devastated since the time I had arrived here through the Genesis Portal."

Eclipse tilted his head, not knowing what that portal was. Silver proceeded in explaining it to them.

The aliens' eyes widened when they heard they were in a completely different dimension, not just a planet. Eclipse wasn't sure if he understood the finer details, but those portals could come handy. He was after all able to use one for his escape.

His eyes narrowed when Silver showed him the small radar he had in his glove. How could something so small be useful? And how it was exactly working? Eclipse never saw other projections than the ones done by his master from his third eye on his forehead.

His disbelief grew stronger when Silver told him about his adventures. He had a hard time imagining this weak looking creature was able to fight. On the other side, if he was part of his kin, his strength should be considerable. However, as he learned more, he started to take an interest in Silver.

"So we are in a completely different world?" he had to ask despite being told a few minutes ago. Changing a dimension in the blink of an eye was too wild for his imagination.

"That's right." Silver nodded, happy his explanation was easy to follow. "Fortunately, I can tell which portal leads where if I was in that world behind it. In other words, I can tell you if it leads to your home and time or not."

Eclipse scratched his muzzle. In his head were swirling rough sketches of different plans how to use this knowledge and fellow. After a long time, he might have found a way how to turn the tables on that traitor.

Eclipse wanted to ask something when a nearby wall exploded, and from the smoke emerged the furious black hedgehog.

"Chaos Spear!" Shadow threw at him green energy rod since his enemy failed to detect his presence.

The alien didn't have time to block the attack neither to avoid it. He stood in front of his pets, crossing arms in the hope it would make the pain a bit more bearable. To his big surprise, the spear shot through the sky.

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