The Discoveries (2/3) - r

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Silver got inside the building through a hole near the ground, noticing this one seemed to be in good shape compared to others. But it was obvious it couldn't hold for long.

'A bit of work can do the job done,' thought Silver, having no time to plan anything better.

Flying aliens entered, circling them. The psychic counted five of them, but they weren't making him sleepy. Their movements briefly halted before they raided them. The psychic, with a simple hand gesture, lifted the floor below them, creating a shield. The flying aliens slammed into it, and the hedgehog soared, with them just a few meters behind.

Then he suddenly stopped. Raptors got above them before turning back. The psychic with his power ripped the supporting pillars in half, making the upper part descending, burying everything beneath. The rumble was deafening, and the concrete blocks threatened to crush them all.

Silver, though desperate, didn't decide to commit suicide. Their bodies were engulfed by strong blueish aura, and he flew up like a rocket with crossed hands in front of his face, using his body as a shield to protect the ones behind him. After long seconds, he broke through the collapsing building, making it out and getting rid of the pursuers. But the victory still wasn't in their grasp as this provided only a temporary peace of mind.

The young hedgehog gasped for air, his lungs burning and screaming as he pushed their limits. He quickly descended, slowing down but looking for a hideout. There was a chance more of those creatures could be lurking nearby. He had no idea where he was, but he hoped he had gotten far enough from Shadow to let him use the power of chaos.

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The other hedgehog was losing breath and personal space, as the aliens kept getting closer, cornering him in the dead-end alley. How convenient phrase and so well placed.

"What's wrong, Shadow? Where is your Chaos Control ability you were so proud of?" Black Doom mocked him, so sure of his impending victory.

The other growled, clenching fists when a sudden sensation hit him, a very familiar one. A confident smirk appeared on his face.

Silver Darkness [OPEN Sonic the Hedgehog FF]Where stories live. Discover now