The Discoveries (1/3) - r

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Silver was looking around frightened.

There were dozens of these strange creatures, and it seemed more of them were coming every second. The ground was literally covered with human-sized monsters with big yellow eyes. Many of them carried different types of weapons from laser guns of various shapes to thunder-like purple swords. Among them, there were a fewer number of giants with spikes on their backs. The sky was crowded with clamoring bat-like aliens and bigger winged lizard-like raptors.

Silver had seen a lot of strange things in all his travels from self-aware robots to aggressive plants and fastest thing alive. But nothing he had ever seen before could have prepared him for this.

"Silver. Silver... Silver!" shouted Shadow at him.

"W-What?" The called hedgehog jerked, gulping loudly.

"Stop daydreaming and concentrate!" the other hedgehog barked, clenching his fists.

"W-Who are they?" the psychic asked as shivers ran down his spine.

The ebony chaos-wielder narrowed his eyes, feeling he had to repeat himself more clearly.

"Allow me to introduce you the most savage and cruelest race, Black Arms." The name rolled out of his tongue with disgust. "They are mindless minions controlled by Black Doom who is hiding behind that flying starfish."

Silver's ears twitched, and his amber eyes quickly searched for the flying sea creature. He found it quite quickly, but he regretted it. The stare of the big eye was intense he pushed his head between his shoulders.

"Don't show them any mercy, that's a vulgarism in their dictionary," noted Shadow sarcastically.

"Is that Black Doom so tiny he has to ride that starfish?" Silver asked without thinking.

Shadow's eye widened in pure shock and honest confusion. He quickly pushed away a sudden image so he could answer with all seriousness.

"No, he is controlling everybody with his mind and uses telepathy to speak through that starfish."

The psychic once more looked at the floating star. He wasn't paying any attention when the voice talked for the first time. His mind was too preoccupied with comprehending why they were attacking them, so he ignored the familiar feeling of hearing a telepathic voice.

But it didn't sound in their heads, but it was broadcast through the air like a normal voice. He wondered how good telepath Black Doom had to be to manage something like that. Silver's knowledge about powers was limited, but he was sure this alien was powerful.

"And if you are wondering," Shadow slowly added. "Every planet they visited ended up like this one."

A cold shiver ran down Silver's spine. He couldn't believe it. Eclipse told him a completely opposite story. Nevertheless, the way the aliens looked it was hard to imagine them picking up flowers and helping old ladies cross the street.

Silver Darkness [OPEN Sonic the Hedgehog FF]Where stories live. Discover now