The Day With Shawn

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                                                                               Skylar's  POV

I woke up on to Aaliyah jumping on me and yelling to wake! I got up and asked her what she was doing? She shouted, " well Shawn is getting dressed and my mom and dad are still sleeping." I grabbed my phone to look at the time ( 7:00am) Then I told her to go get dress and I would make her some breakfast.

While she was getting dressed I was pouring some cereal for her. Aaliyah came down and while she was getting Shawn came down to talk to me. When he came down he pulled me into the livivng room and said, " hey thanks for taking care of her tonight and this morning." I smiled at him and said, " yep no problem. And Shawn your going to ace the science test on Monday!" He smiled at me.

Mr and Mrs. came downstaris and walked over to Aaliyah. I walked over to the and said, " thank you for letting me stay last night." Karen relpied, " oh no problem Skylar, and thank you so much for watching both Shawn and Aaliyah it helped us out so much." Shawn added, " I did not need a babysitter!" I just laughed to myself. I said bye to them and left. I went to my house, took a shower and ate. 

My mom asked me if I could go to target to get some things? I said, " yes." I'm at target and I grabbed 5 things my mother needed. When I was about to walk out I saw a starbucks and I only got 5 hours of sleep, so I got some. I was behind someone who had the same haircut as Shawn. The second he said his order  ( ice green tea) I whispered, " Shawn", he turned around and said, " oh hey Sky!" 

The guy taking his order said, " is that it?" Shawn relpied with, " no I will also pay for the girl right behind me." I yelled, " no Shawn." Shawn shouted, " yes" then he said " can I have one strawberry acai?" Then he paid for them.

While we were walking out the doors with our drinks I thanked him for the drink. He said, " your welcome." Then he added, " Skylar lets hang out today!" I finally accept his offer, and we went to my house. 

We were in my room and Shawn found my old guiatr. He seemed shocked and asked me, " you play the guiatr?" I laughed and said, " I used to but I forgot. " Shawn walked over to me, sat on my bed and asked me, " do you want me to teach you?" I smiled and said, " sure. Why not?"

Shawn put the guitar around me and kept picking up my hands to place them where they needed to go. Right when I was fianlly getting it my mom walks in on me and Shawn. She asked Shawn if he wants to stay tonight for dinner? ( she order pizza) he said, " sure!"

Around 10 mins later the pizza was here,  so Shawn and I ran downstairs. Right when Shawn and I were sitting down at the table my mom comes running into the kitchen with her shoes and coat on and yells, " Skylar i'm so sorry but I have to go to work. I will see you later." When I was saying bye to her she was closing the door. ( so now it's just me and Shawn)

While Shawn and I were eatting pizza he asks, " what does your mom do for living?" I said, " shes a nurse, and that means she works the nightshift all the time." Shawn added, " What's your schelcdel after school?" I relplied, " I pick up Aaliyah then we come here and play for a 2 hours. Then I walk her to your house. After I come home and say bye to my mom and then just hang out here. And beofre u ask, yes I have a older sister but shes 21 and never home. " 

Shawn looked at me and said, " i'm sorry Sky. If you ever want to hang out sometime i'm down and I know Aaliyah would be too!" I laughed. After we finished eating our pizza I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie. So we went into the family room, I put on " 17 Again" and we both sat down on the couch and watched it. Later that night he went back home.

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