It's Okay

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I held Dylan's hand tighter, " Dylan you can't just forget or try not to remember your mom, and I know it hurts. I mean til this day when people still mention my mom's name I just want to break out crying, but I learned that there is more to life then just living and getting over hard times."

I looked him up into his eyes, " Shawn was there for me when I need him, and Now I'm going to be here for you.- -- Shawn and I are both are."

Dylan let out a little smile, " Skylar your compassion is one of the many things incredible about you. Don't ever lose it, and Don't ever stop being you."

We both smiled.

I finally released my hand from him, " we should go back inside. I think Shawn's getting lonely."

He nodded and opened the door for me.
When we got back inside Dylan said he was tired, so he was just going to head up to bed for tonight.

When Dylan went up stairs I walked over to Shawn, " thank you for being there for him" I kissed him.
" I like him, like as a friend and cousin, but I love you!" He pulled me in and kissed me.

After hanging out with Shawn for a little down stairs, I decide to go to bed. Shawn wanted to stay down stairs a little longer.

I walked up the stairs and I was about to pass Dylan's room when I completely stop and went in.
" Dylan you up?" I whispered.
Dylan pulled the blankets off of him, " what's up?" The light was a little dim, but I could still see his smile.
" I was researching that movie, The Maze Runner and I notice that is was a book series. And I was wondering if u have the book?" He laughed then reached over to the side table.

He handed me a green book, " here Sky."
I smiled.
Before I walked out he yelled, " good night."
I smiled and held the book close to me while walking into Aaliyah's room.

****** The Next Morning*****
I was walking down stairs with my mess hair and my blue PJs on.
I saw Shawn and Dylan eating breakfast.
" Shit!" I yelled, because they were two cute guys staring at me all messed up.

They both laughed at me.
Shawn handed me a bowl of fruit and I sat down and ate it.

After I ate I was getting dressed, so I shut Aaliyah's door.
After I put on my blue shirt with blue jeans shorts I sat down on my bed and began reading the Maze Runner.
" come in!" I yelled.
The door was moving, but not opening.
" I can't. I think the door is locked!" Shawn said back.
I ran to the door and I opened it.
" sorry Shawn. I did not lock it." I said confused.
He put his hands in his pockets, " it's okay. Yeah dad was taking about putting locks on all the doors, but I don't know where he put the key. So for right now don't shut your door."

I laughed, " okay then"
He sat down on the bed, " so hey Matt is throwing a party tonight and mostly everyone is going, and I already asked Dylan if he wants to come- do you?"

I kissed his cheek, " I would love to! What time?" I asked.
" 7. So in 4 hours."
I smiled.
Shawn added, " I will take that as a yes!"
Then his phone rang.
" it's Matt. Talk to you later." He left my room.

I was bored, so I searched all over the house until I found Dylan in the backyard playing soccer.

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