I love you Shawn...

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I was sitting outside with spencer and even though we weren't talking it was the best time.

" do you want to go back inside?" He asked.
I nodded.
We stood up and he opened the door for me.

He walked me to my door, " I'll see you tomorrow."
He walked into his room.

I put on my PJ's and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up and everyone was already downstairs.

Dylan, Derek and Shawn seemed a little hungover.

" good morning guys." I said.
They waved.

I looked over to Dylan, Derek and Shawn.
" do you guys want water?" I asked them?

Dylan and Derek signed, " yes please"
Shawn commented, " I can get it."
" Shawn I can get it."
He smiled, " thank you."

I grabbed three waters and gave them to the boys.

Lauren came down stairs, " you guys wanna go out for breakfast? There's a ihop 3 miles away from here!"

We all thought that was a great idea, so we got dressed and tried to fit 7 people in a 5 seated car.

In the front was Dylan and Derek.
Then in the back was me, Spencer, Shawn, Lauren and Matt.

Matt sat on the right side, Spencer sat in the middle and Shawn on the left side, but since there was not enough room, I had to sit on Spencer's lap and Lauren on Shawn's.

When we got to IHOP, we sat down and ordered.
I got: a bowl of fruit with iced coffee.
Shawn: 2 pancakes with eggs and bacon
Matt: same thing as Shawn
Derek: fruit with 3 pancakes
Lauren: a ice mocha with eggs and bacon
Spencer: a coffee with fruit and coffee cake
Dylan: a coffee with 3 pancakes and bacon.

After we finished eating, some of the boys had to go to the bathroom, so I went outside by the car and went on my phone.

Spencer showed up right in front of me.
" I got you something." He handed me a bag.
It was a ihop bag. I reached inside.

I pulled out a chocolate chip muffin.
I laughed, " thank you. How did you know that is my favorite?"

Spencer smiled, " Shawn told me. He knows you really well."

He added, " Skylar I was wondering if I could take you out on a date tonight?"

I smiled, " I would love that!"
Everyone came outside yelling and laughing.

When we were ready to go, I was getting ready to go inside the car and sit with Spencer, but he said that his stomach hurt from all the coffee.

When Shawn heard that he suggested, " Sky you can use me as a seat." He laughed.

Lauren exploded, " where am I'm going to sit Shawnie?"

Shawn pointed to Matt, Matt said that was okay.

Lauren sat on Matt and I was on Shawn with Spencer right next to me.

On the way home I whispered, " thanks Shawn."

Mostly everyone went up stairs and chilled, but I went outside and sat by the water for a while.

When I looked on the phone I had 20 mins to get ready for my date with Spencer.

I ran up into my room, and while entering I was on my phone.
" hey Lauren, did you know that it's 98F today?"
I looked up and I froze.
It was Shawn and Lauren laying next to each other in the same bed.

I stuttered, " I-I-I'm- really- uh sorry."
I ran down stairs and outside.
I broke into tears.

Shawn came running at me, " Sky! Please!"

I turned to him, " do you love Lauren?" I asked.
He looked down, " I don't know. Why do you care? Your going out with Spencer!"

" Shawn I can't be with you. And at least Spencer is graduating early just like me!"

Shawn face froze, he was as white as a ghost.

I was supposed to tell him when we got back from the beach house.

" what?" He said slowly.
" Shawn..." I did not know what to say.
I let it out, " I'm graduating early and going to Cail for a couple years and Spencer is going there too, before heading off to Yale."

" is that why you broke up with me? Because your graduating three months earlier then me?"

I wanted to hug him, I want to have his warm arms around me, " if I was still with you Shawn, while I was trying to leave, you know that I could not do that cuz you know damn right I would have not gone. I would have stuck with you until you graduated."

Shawn was crying. He had red eyes, " this whole time, when we were broke up, I thought that you loved Dylan over me. That I was not the right boyfriend for you, but no it was your way of just saying good bye, so you could head off to college!"

I was about to say something, when I saw spencer calling my name, " hey Sky! You ready to go?"

I yelled back, " yeah!" Before I walked right past Shawn, I whispered,
" I love you Shawn..."
I whipped my eyes and ran over to Spencer.

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