1 punch and Shawns out

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Shawn came running down stairs yelling, " don't touch her!" He ran straight into Dylan.

I cried, " calm down Shawn. Nothing happened."
He chucked, " you call kissing, nothing? What is wrong with you!" He swing his right fist at Dylan's mouth.

When Shawn's fist came at Dylan, his head turned, but Dylan was really hurt.
He bugged shawn to stop fighting him.
" shawn! Fighting is not going to solve anything , and you know it!" Dylan said trying to stop shawn.

Shana yelled back, " it's your fault Dylan! Don't go for my girl!"

Dylan winked at me, " it's kinda hard not to."
Shawn kicked him in the stomach.

Dylan fell backwards and hit his head on the floor.

" Dylan!" I screamed.
Dylan was bleeding, " get out of here Sky. Please!" Dylan begged.

Shawn shouted, " don't tell her what to do!"

Dylan got up on his feet, " I'm trying to protect her!" Dylan ran into Shawn's stomach which lead them both to fall on the ground.

Dylan was punching  shawn and shawn was wresting Dylan.

I heard the back door slam and I realized that Aaliyah and her parents were home.

They came straight into the family room to see Dylan and Shawn fighting.

Manny finally yelled, " that's enough! Break it up!"

While manny was trying to hold Shawn back and I got a hold of Dylan.

" Dylan please, please stop!" I begged.

Dylan forgot about Shawn and he was looking into my eyes.

" if you don't find Skylar, manny and I are going to talk to Dylan outside."

I helped Dylan up and he followed Karen and manny outside.

I ran over to Shawn, who was sitting at the kitchen table with Aaliyah.
" Omg Shawn!" I said running over to him.

He had a cut lip with blood coming out of it along with his cut up forehead and he had a bruise on his left cheek.

I went into the freezer and pulled out  an bag of frozen solid green beans, and placed it on his Cheek.

He grunted, " I'm fine."
He placed his hand over the green beans, " I don't need your help."
" Sha-Shawn" I tried saying something, but Aaliyah stopped me.

" he really cared about you Sky. You were his whole world." Aaliyah said before running off to upstairs.

" Shawn you know I did not mean to hurt you. And I was not trying to make you mad." I said
He lick his lip, " you think I fought him out of anger? Wow Sky you really don't know me."

Shawn took the bag of green beans and headed to his room.

For the rest of the day I stayed in my room thinking about the past couple days. I have not heard from Shawn since our fight and for Dylan, Dylan left his afternoon.

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