Prom pt.2

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Karen drove me in his white SUV.
We reached the school and I walked into the gym.

As soon as I step into the guy, three guys came up to me.
1. He Has brown spiky hair, tall and a black suit on.
2. He had blond hair with glasses
3: He was on the basket ball team. Tall, handsome, athletic.
They all asked, " may I have this dance?"
Shawn came and pushed all of them to the side and took my hand, " sorry boys, but this cutie is mine." He winked.

He walked me over to the middle of the dance floor, " I'm so glad you came!"
I smiled, " me too." We danced for about 4 songs then it was time for the queen and king.

Mrs Jonas had to present them.
" hello class of 2015. I know you guys are all egar to find out king and queen."
She continued, " ladies and gentlemen your prom King is... Shawn Mendes!"
I hugged me and cheered him on while he was walking up the stage and getting crowned.

She added, " before I say who the Queen is, I just want to say that I knew her mother through out high school and college. She was a great, nice and wonderful women and person. Recently her mother passed away and her daughter is one of the bravest people I have ever known!"

I felt like running out there. Everyone was staring at me.

Mrs. Jonas continued, " your guys prom queen is Skylar Hays!"
I walked up the stage and got crowned.

I was holding Shawn's hand, " thank you! I'm pretty sure all of you guys know about my mom. She was the best mom and the friendliest person ever." I laughed.

" she worked her butt of for me and i really appreciate that. So thanks to my wonderful mom and thank you to all of you guys. You guys have help me by being there for me and that means everything go me." I said to my classmates.

After I speak, Shawn grabbed my waist, pulled me in and kissed me in front of everyone.

Best prom ever!

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