New York

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I woke up this morning, feeling like I was going to throw up, my palms were sweating and I had a headache.

I could not thinking about Friday night.
- Shawn almost kissed me
- my mom walked in on Shawn and I almost kissing
- I went out with Dallas right before I almost kissed Shawn.

I could not miss a day of school, but I dreaded going.

I got up, put on my blue sweatshirt with black jeans and went down stairs.

" hey honey." My mom said softly
" hi mom, so am I grounded for Friday."
" no. Why would you be grounded?"
I thought she would be mad at me, for Shawn, but maybe she forgot, and I did not want to remind her.
" oh because umm... I went out with Dallas."
She laughed, " oh no sweet heart, but I would love to meet him. Anyways I have to get going."
" okay, goodbye. See you later."
She gave me a kiss and left.

I ate and left for school.
I got to school and went to class.
At my locker.
" hey sky."
I voice was shaky, " oh hey umm Dallas. What's up."
He came closer to me, and put his hands on my shoulder, " are you okay?"
" yeah I just umm really have to get to class."
" okay. I just wanna say thanks for Friday night. It was one of the best nights I had in a long time."
" yep anytime."
He smirked, " how about this Friday?"
I nodded and sped walk away.

At lunch, Shawn came up to me.
" umm hey Sky."
I felt like I could finally relax, " hey Shawn. What's up?"
" I just wanna see you. You know after Friday."
" Shawn umm. You are, no I mean your your voice is umm is amazing."
He smiled, " thanks. I really meant it. Well I have to go now bye. He raced off.
****** after school.
I left school and picked up Aaliyah.
" Skylar, can you help me on math?"
" yes." What 7 tines 7?"
" 49"
" nice!"
After we completed her math, we headed her to her house.
I walked in and found Dallas and Shawn sitting on the couch.
" Aaliyah can you please go upstairs, and I'll be up in a min."
She nodded and went to her room.
" umm hey Dallas and Shawn."
They both said hi to me.
" Shawn, may I speak to you alone in the kitchen."
He walked over to me.
" Shawn, why are you hang out with Dallas?"
" well, if you are going to be dating him, I wanna know that he is okay, and that he is right for you."
" Shawn- wait he told you we are dating?"
I saw his eyes tearing up, " yeah Sky."
" I ummm I have to... go." I ran out of his house and ran all the way to mine.

I walked into my house and saw my mom and Mrs Mendes talking.
" hello honey." My mom said
" hi, mom and Mrs Mendes."
Karen said hello and my mom started talking.
" my best friend, Donna. She lives in New York and she's needs help with her 3 kids. I will only be a gone for a couple days- I leave this Friday."
" okay?"
" I asked Manny and Karen to watch over you from Friday to Monday night."
" but mom I stayed here before."
" yeah but no for 4 days alone. Please Skylar."
" thank you Mrs. Mendes. I'm really tired, so I'm just gonna go to bed. Good bye and good night."

I have to spend 4 days at Shawn's with Shawn. I'm am out of luck.

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