The Rubies

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Apart from the initial sting of the double injection in both arms, I didn't feel anything else as I was pushed out in to my new world. It took several seconds for my eyes to adjust to the strange new light surrounding me.

For eighteen years, I had seen nothing but beige. Beige clothes, beige buildings, beige food. It had always been a colourless life.

But standing just outside the entrance of The Ruby Generation of Vampires, I saw heaps of red gem stones instead of grass. The pathways through the stones were a startling white brick and the rubies glowed like lights.

In front of me stood roughly thirteen Pearl Ed students who had chosen this same generation in the minutes before I had.

They were being ushered forward and being touched on the shoulder by a girl who wore a dress similar to a bridal gown. She had smooth brown skin and long blue hair that flowed down to her waist.

She was one of the coolest people I had ever seen. But I couldn't really compare her to much after being stuck in Pearl Eds all my life.

A loud thud behind me made me jump. A girl who was a few inches taller than me with ashy blonde hair looked around, trying to get her bearings. She had just been pushed through the door.


Even though her voice was no more than a whisper, it startled me. I was so used to not having any communication with anyone my own age back in Pearl Eds that it was a complete shock that somebody had even greeted me.

I smiled at the girl, amazed at how crystal clear I could see her. I could count all two hundred and seven freckles smattered on her nose in less than a second.

I felt genuinely happy that she had spoken to me and I wondered how long that would last. After all, I had chosen a world where I should feel nothing. Feelings didn't exist here.


My reply to her was a tinkling sound. It wasn't my Pearl Eds voice. It was crisp and sing song. It was pretty. I hadn't really had much of a chance to speak as a student, but I definitely preferred the clear voice I had in this world. I had always sounded miserable back in Pearl Eds, but then we probably all did.

"I guess we can be friends now that we aren't at Pearl Eds anymore. There are no rules against it. We will be finding out our names any second. Don't run off. I want to find out who you are."

The initial smile stayed on my face as she spoke. Her light almost icy blue eyes were kind and a total contrast to my large, brown eyes with thick lashes.

In my first life, I had an olive complexion. Paired with my dark hair and eyes, I had always looked exotic. I quickly checked my arms, wondering if I was pale like the human myth vampires. Not so far, I seemed to have come through this world with a lot of myself in tact. I was pleased about that.

"Yes, I suppose we can be friends. I've never had one before. Let's stick together for a bit."

She nodded, a look of relief on her face. Despite the fact that I was now supposed to be a hardened vampire with no emotions, I felt comfort in the fact that I wouldn't be starting this new generation journey alone.

We shifted towards the front of the queue. The girl with the blue hair seemed to be getting people through the line very prompt.
After just a minute, it was my turn to be greeted by her.

She reached her delicate, long fingers forward and touched my necklace.

"Welcome. You have made the right choice and I hope you will be very happy here in the Ruby Generation. By touching your necklace, I have chipped you with your forever name and a tracker. As you know, you may never leave The Ruby Generation of the Vampires. If you walk towards the end of the road ahead of you, you will find a welcome pack and an envelope containing your name. If you have trouble settling in, please refer to the back page of your welcome pack. Safe travels."

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