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I had to try and hide my restlessness. Complete fear took over my body as I waited for Jamie and Mel to emerge with Popkins.

After finding out that his girlfriend Rosie had passed away this morning inside The Coal Jailhouse, Miles was sitting beside me, tears falling silently down his cheeks. I stroked his back wordlessly, knowing that nothing would comfort him but trying all the same. I knew it would be selfish to voice my fears about the three people I loved when Miles had just lost Rosie, so I kept quiet.

My eyes were trained on the door, barely daring to breathe in case I missed anything, while Maisie floated above us searching for any signs of the authorities.

After what seemed like an eternity, Mel stumbled out of the door, pulling a traumatised looking Popkins behind her. Panic rose up as I searched for Jamie. Just as I was about to go busting my way inside looking for him, he emerged. He looked far calmer than the rest of us seemed.

As the three of them got closer, I winced at how beat up Popkins was. He was still without a shirt, the lashings on his body angrily stood out. His left eye socket was black and blue and he had a nasty gash down the right side of his cheek that looked infected and deep.

I quickly took out my wand and muttered a spell under my breath. I was surprised to learn that anything worked if you made it rhyme.

"Please dear wand, Popkins is hurt. Heal his wounds and find him a shirt."

I didn't care that I was risking us being found out by doing magic right outside the jail, I only wanted Popkins to be better.

I watched with relief as his open wounds started to close up. He would probably always have scars but it was a small price to pay. His swollen and bruised face faded away, back to the usual Popkins that we all knew and loved, and a green shirt appeared on his torso.

I checked him over, his glassy eyes were staring vacant behind me.

"Popkins, are you OK?"

Silence. He didn't move or even acknowledge that I had spoken to him. Mel was staring at him anxiously, her bottom lip trembling. It just reminded me once more that she wasn't a full vampire, otherwise she wouldn't be able to show emotion the way that she often did.

"It seems as though he's in trauma. I'm afraid we can't do anything for him right now. But we do need to all get out of here, it's a miracle we've made it this far."

Maisie was right. I know it hadn't worked out for Miles, and my heart broke for him...but it had been surprisingly easy to rescue Popkins.

"Come on guys, everyone hold hands and I will get us out of here using a tricky spell Popkins taught me. It will only work if we are touching."

As Mel spoke, she took her wand out. I grabbed Popkins hand. Not that it mattered really, it was like he wasn't even here with us. Jamie was opposite me, holding Mel and Maisies hand. I needed to talk to him desperately, but it would have to wait. Maisie was just about to close the gap and take my hand when I realised that Miles was still sitting in the same spot, silently crying.

I let go of Popkins hand for a moment and walked over to Miles helping him up. He looked at me and sadly shook his head. All of a sudden, he looked so vulnerable.

I took his hand and dragged him over to the circle, taking Popkins hand again on the other side of me.

"You are coming with us Miles, there is no other option."

He sniffed quietly and hung his head, engulfed in his own sadness. I couldn't fail to notice Jamie's glare at my words. I frowned, surely he realised that we couldn't just leave Miles here on his own?

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